vi - in which valerie tells her story

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Valerie sat on her bed, watching Hermione neatly fold and pack up her clothes and books. Her friend's trunk was nearly stuffed. She was glad to go home, of course, but it wouldn't be Hogwarts.

She glanced next to her at her miserable little trunk containing a few of her precious belongings.

Then Valerie thought about her most precious possession. She raised a hand to her neck and fingered the necklace that had been hidden beneath her robes.

"You keep touching that," Hermione's voice made Valerie jump. "Is it special to you? You know, where are you going for the summer break? Where do you live? I can send you an owl."

There was a long pause; Valerie seemed to think for a moment. "To my mum's."

"Your mum's a muggle, right?" Hermione asked carefully, going to sit on the bed next to Valerie.

"Well...yeah, I guess."

"What about your dad?" she asked, before surveying the obvious dark look on Valerie's face. "Oh, you don't have to answer that. I'm sorry..."

"My dad was a wizard. He went here. I think he actually met my mum on one of the summers he was home from Hogwarts. He died. I don't know how, so you can't ask me," Valerie muttered.

She hadn't been truthful. She knew how her father had died. But if she ever told Hermione...

Hermione paused for a second, then placed a hand on Valerie's shoulder. "I'm sorry. So the necklace?"

"That's actually a funny story," Valerie laughed. She pulled out the necklace. On the end of the chain was a tiny golden snitch. "My dad was a seeker on the Gryffindor house team when he went here. He played with Harry's dad, I'm pretty sure. It looks like it ought to open, right? But whenever I try, it stays closed."

"That's interesting," Hermione remarked, looking confused. "Well, we ought to go. Harry and Ron are waiting for us outside."

Valerie nodded and closed her trunk, dragging it out the door before going back to help Hermione lug her heavy one out.

"What took you so long?" Ron complained. "My arm's gotten sore."

"I suppose they were in there talking," Harry said to Ron, "What are you gonna do about it?" look on his face.

"Girls," Ron scoffed.

"Girls," Harry agreed.

(I know in the movies that James is a seeker, but in the books he's a chaser. So I'm right...ha!)

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