Chapter 21

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The ambulance pulled up to the house right as Han had finally settled. His body was still that he looked dead.

I squeezed his hand, hoping to feel him squeeze back, but he didn't. My mind wandered to the darkest thoughts, and the only solace I had was that his chest rose and fell with his light breaths.

The paramedics walked forward with a stretcher.

"What happened?" they asked.

I wiped my nose which was snotty and gross from crying and choked out, "He had a seizure. He just collapsed and he..." I shook my head as they carefully moved him and placed an oxygen mask over his face. "Will he be okay?"

"How long did the seizure last?" she asked emotionlessly while ignoring my question.

"I don't know. Maybe 5 minutes."

She jotted something down, but I noticed her brows furrowed.

"Is that bad?" I asked, hoping to get some sort of answer from her.

"It's abnormal, but we'll run tests back at the hospital to see how much damage was done."

Damage had been done...

Would he be able to walk? Able to speak?

They began to roll him away, and I reached for his hand as I walked through the house with them, unwilling to leave his side.

"You'll be okay, Han," I repeated over and over again.

They allowed me into the cab of the ambulance and shut the doors behind us before speeding out of the driveway. I gave them as much information about Han as I could including the medication he'd been taking and the symptoms he'd been showing.

"And he never went to the doctor?"

"No. He doesn't have insurance," I explained. They glanced between each other, but I added, "I'm covering his expenses, though. He just didn't want to go until he needed it." I didn't want them to not do everything they should because of his lack of insurance.

Han was still unconscious, but I stroked the back of his hand in reassurance. I told myself that he'd be okay...he had to be.

We passed Pilgrim Tower, and I looked out the back window and saw Seungmin standing there alone. I didn't have the energy to feel bad about that right now. All that mattered was Han getting better. I'd worry about the other stuff later.

We made it to the hospital, and I hopped out first and followed the paramedics where they obtained some paperwork for me to fill out. I wasn't allowed to follow them further than the desk for now as they were going to run some scans on Han to see how badly the seizure had hurt his brain. I gave his hand one last squeeze before they took him away through the swinging double doors.

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