Chapter 1

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Mireya was at a bar in New Orleans with her long time friend, Hayley Marshall. Mireya missed her hometown, which is why she came back. And to help Hayley find out more about her family.

"Third time in here this week," Jane-Anne tells them.

"We're obsessed with the gumbo, Jane-Anne," Hayley tells her, while pointing at herself and Mireya.

Mireya makes a noise of agreement.

"The old ladies in the ninth Ward say that my sister, Sophie, bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish," Jane-Anne stated, glancing over at her sister.

"Hayley and around the Quarter about her family..." Mireya trailed off looking at her friend.

"And?" She asked, questioningly.

"Nothing. Zero. Can't find a single person who remembers them," Hayley says, disappointedly.

"Because, Hayley, people like you were run out of here years ago."

Mireya was beyond confused at that statement. "What do you mean, people like her?" But Jane-Anne just turned and walked away. She looked towards Hayley for answer, but she was looking at Jane-Anne with the same expression. Confused.

Jane-Anne appeared back to them. "In the bayou, they call 'them,' 'Roux-Ga-Roux." She takes Hayley's pen, and circles the bayou on the map. "You can head out there, you'll find what you're looking for."

Hayley stood up, grabbing her belongings and the map. Mireya followed her lead.

"Be careful. It's the last place you'd ever want to go," Jane-Anne said as she touched Mireya's shoulder in a good luck gesture.

Mireya and Hayley looked at her with a smile and nodded their heads in thanks. As soon as they left the bar, what they didn't know was that Jane-Anne had taken a piece of Mireya's hair when she touched her shoulder.

Hayley and Mireya were heading towards the bayou that Jane-Anne had mentioned to them. Hayley was driving while Mireya sat in the passenger seat.

Once they reached the bayou, they both checked the map to see if they were in the right place. Suddenly, the map they were holding, burst into flames. Mireya let's out a shriek.

"What the hell?" Hayley takes the map and throws it out the window. "Lets get out of here."

"How did that map just suddenly burned itself?" Mireya asked, scared.

Hayley doesn't reply, as she starts to reverse, but the car broke down, smoke coming from the engine. "Are you kidding me?"

They both get out of the car and walked to the front. "Hey, can you call the tow? I'm gonna see what's wrong with the car," Hayley tells Mireya.

Mireya nods her head as she takes out her phone and starts dialing the number. "Hey, I'm looking for a tow service..." But the phone started to make a sharp noise, making her yell out in pain and throwing her phone to the ground.

She turns around to tell Hayley, only to find her gone. "Hayley!" She looked around trying to find her friend. "Hayley!"

Suddenly, multiple footsteps could be heard, walking towards her. They formed a circle around her. As frightened as she already was, she tries to look for a way to escape, but suddenly her movements became sluggish.

Mireya suddenly collapses to the ground, before falling to the ground, she was caught by someone.

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