Chapter 22

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The French Quarter
Mireya watched as Hayley paced the room with worry. Jackson and Oliver were late. Klaus had set them out on an errand, regarding the stones for the moonlight rings.

"Can you please stop?" Mireya asked, slightly irritated.

"No." Hayley kept pacing.

Mireya rolled her eyes just as Elijah walks into the room, noticing a pacing Hayley.

"What's going on?"

Mireya looks at Elijah. "Jackson and Oliver haven't returned. They should have been back hours ago."

"Call Klaus," Hayley demanded as she walked up to Elijah. "Now."

Elijah looked back at her with concern as he takes out his phone and calls Klaus.

"Yes, brother, what is it?"

"It appears our wolves have gone astray, brother," Elijah tells Klaus.

"They should have been back hours ago," Hayley cuts in.

Elijah interrupts her. "We need to find them."

"Well, that might be a bit tricky. You see, we've located their car on a back road in the middle of nowhere. I suspect they've been shanghai'd."

"And you didn't feel the need to share this information?" Elijah asked with annoyance.

"It was my intention to present you with a problem only after I had found an appropriate solution."

"Do enlighten us."

"I'm closing in on it as we speak. The only person who would be bold enough to snatch my wolf allies is the one who has the most to lose," Klaus deducted.

Elijah sighs. "Marcel."

Hayley clearly scared. "No, he'll kill them!" Mireya was already by her side, giving her a comforting hug.

"Genevieve assures me that Marcel has procured a cloaking spell. The only witch who will aid Marcel is Davina. I just need to get one last bit of leverage before I pay her a visit." After a few minutes of silence, Klaus spoke. "And there it is."

The Mikaelson Compound
Elijah left the compound to go help Klaus find Jackson and Oliver. Hayley was back to pacing around the compound, worrying about their current problems, while Mireya watched her.

"Elijah should have called by now."

"Worrying isn't going to help," Genevieve said, as she walks into the room. "You should sit down, try to be calm. Like Mireya."

Hayley frowns at her. "What are you, now, magician slash zen-life-coach?"

"If you keep on pacing with worry, some of the emotions you have can reflect to a person who's needs positive emotions." Genevieve motions to Mireya. "The treatment of pregnant women has advanced remarkably since I was a nurse, but even I know high blood pressure is bad for Mireya, and her baby." Hayley sighs and sits down. "Especially now, since she's so close to term."

"I hate this."

"Don't you get it? You and Mireya are the point of all this. Klaus and Elijah running all over town?" Genevieve sighs. "It's all for you. I'm a bit envious."

"Great," Mireya mumbled.

"Lucky me," Hayley muttered in annoyance.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Genevieve asked, specifically to Mireya.

Hayley smiles. "How about a moonlight ring?"

"I was talking to Mireya." Hayley shrugs in response. Genevieve chuckles. "Besides, the spell can't be performed until the full moon reaches its apex. And, of course, I need the stones, which will be here soon enough. Have a little faith!"

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