Chapter 13

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Mikaelson Compound
Mireya sat on the bed of Davina's room, leaning against the headboard while hugging a pillow close to her. She had moved on with the loss of Davina, but yet still continued to come to her room.

She didn't even realize the door opening and Marcel walking in.

"You know," at the sound of his voice, Mireya snapped her gaze up at him, startled to see him. "She looked up to you. Even though you two barely knew each other."

Mireya watched as Marcel walked over to the bed and sat down, somewhat, next to her.

"As weak, yet powerful as she was, she still protected you while you slept," Marcel adds. He then reaches out a places a comforting hand on her knee, before getting up to leave.

Mireya takes a deep shaky breathe when Marcel walked out of the room. Truth be told, ever since Davina died she had a hard time trying to talk to him.

Mireya's thoughts was interrupted by the door opening. She looks up to see Hayley walking in.


"Hey." Mireya looked at her, confused. "What are you doing here?"

Hayley points over at Davina's sketches. "I wanted to see if there was maybe anything that we missed in her drawings and came to check. "

Mireya gets off of the bed, walks over and gently grabs all of Davina's drawings then places them on the bed.

She looks over at Hayley. "I'll help you."

Mireya and Hayley have been looking through the drawings when a familiar voice broke through their silence.

"There you two are."

Both girls looked up to see Elijah walking intothe room. Mireya gives him a small wave while Hayley looks back down at the sketches.

"Here we are," Hayley replied, emotionless. Mireya awkwardly looked at Hayley and Elijah, not knowing why there was tension between them.

Elijah walks over to the bed, stands next to her and gestures to the sketches

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Elijah walks over to the bed, stands next to her and gestures to the sketches. "Davina's drawings."

"They're a bit morbid," Mireya says as she picks up another sketch. The other two smile at her when she makes a face.

"I was just thinking... we never figured out why she drew those pictures of Celeste." Hayley hesitantly looks up at Elijah. "Anyway, me and Mireya were just killing time, now that we're on vampire lock-down."

"Whoever did this, we will deal with them," Elijah assured them. "It won't be long."

"I'm not worried, I'm more worried about Mireya." Mireya was to distracted by the sketches to even hear her own name. "Just think it's kind of funny that it took some big, supernatural threat for you to even come into the same room as me."

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