Chapter 5

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Hayley sits next to Mireya, while flipping through a book as Mireya talks to Agnes. Over at the coffee table, Rebekah sits and types on a laptop.

"Agnes, I feel great! I swear!" Mireya says, hugging her knees to her chest.

"You are overdue for a check up," she tells Mireya from the other couch that was across from them.

"Whats she gonna so, pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant human with a hybrid, escorted by a witch? Nothing to see here!" She said sarcastically.

Mireya looks over at Hayley. "You're coming with me, right?"

"Of course," Hayley replies with a smile.

"A lot of women would kill to have a child. Strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours," Rebekah said, with mildly jealousy in her voice, from across the room.

Mireya looks at Rebekah with a knowing sad look, understanding why she would take side with the old witch.

"I know a doctor out in the bayou off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it," Agnes assured Mireya.

Mireya sat there and thinks for a moment, before nodding her hand in reluctant agreement.

"Ok. I guess Bayou-baby doctor couldn't hurt, right?" Agnes, Hayley, and Mireya leave the room.

It's dark, and Agnes drives Hayley and Mireya up to the obstetrician in the Bayou in her car. Owls hoot in the background.

"This is the doctors office?" Hayley asked in disbelief.

Agnes smiles. "Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go! She won't bite!"

Mireya nervously exits the car, with Hayley following behind her, and walks towards the clinic. Once they were out of earshot, Agnes calls someone on her cell phone.

"Send them in now and tell them to do it quickly," Agnes says with a frown.

Dr. Paige was giving Mireya an ultrasound, with Hayley standing next to her, and they can hear the fetal heartbeat. The doctor smiles at her.

"Your baby's heart rate is perfect

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"Your baby's heart rate is perfect."

Mireya smiled, tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to her daughters heartbeat.

"I knew it. She's a tough one, like her mom," Hayley said, patting her friends shoulder then helps her wipe off the gel off of her friends stomach.

Hayley helps Mireya sit up, and hands over her sweater. "We're pretty much done here, right?" She says, as she looks at the smiling doctor, but noticed that her smile was tight and did not reach her eyes.

Mireya takes out her phone when she feels it vibrate. She opens it to see a text from Rebekah; 'Where are you?'

"Your blood pressure is a bit high, I've got something for it," the doctor said, before exiting the room. Hayley watches as she walks away, to where Agnes is waiting in the next room.

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