Chapter 13

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"Raw Juicy meat huh?" As soon as I try to understand these people they send me packing with more questions on my mind than answers. I walked to the full length mirror and stepped on the weigh scale beside it, 205. Well if these people were shitty at conversation they sure were good at making a person drop a few pounds. I looked at myself I had definitely lost weight, and you could tell it wasn't in the healthy way, my face was pale and tired, my overall body looked deflated. I looked over at the large fruit tray provided to me and started to slowly eat everything on it.The plate wasn't even half gone before I started to feel full. My stomach was certainly impacted by their feeding regiments. I forced myself to finish the plate and walked into the bathroom. There was a razor there for shaving legs. Ciara told me I needed to practice good hygiene if I wanted to impress her brother. As much as I still hated Archer I agreed that this would be good practice for when I got out of this hell hole and changed my life for the better. I reached for the razor and turned so that I was facing the sink. I grabbed a piece of hair and started shucking off my long locks. By the time I was done I had what appeared to be a boys shag. As I felt the back of my hair to make sure it was even I heard my bedroom door open and shut, I payed close attention and noticed it wasn't locked by the person who came in. I brushed off my shirt off access hair and walked back into my room. Standing there was Damon with a concerned look on his face. He turned to me and did a triple take. "What did they do to your hair?" He questioned as he walked closer to me. I didn't respond as he ran his fingers through it. I heard him sigh when his eyes focused in on the bathroom floor and spotted all the leftover hair everywhere. "Why did you bring me here Damon? Why would you leave me with these people? Surely you don't think keeping a person here like this is right do you?" I made eye contact with him, sending him a pleading message with my eyes. "We had looked all over the country for you. When we couldn't find anyone who was Archers mate we started looking else where. Canada was our first destination. We thought if we started there we could just work our way down until we covered the whole planet looking for you. Maybe it would give us enough time to fix what ever was wrong with Archer. But then the first high school we went to we found you. A girl with a similar but different sent to Archers." He looked at me then, "I had to bring you here because you are his mate." "What do you mean fix Archer?" Damon sat down on my bed with a sigh. "He has been so bipolar when he first came of age," He looked at me apologetically, "Coming of age is when a were- I mean a person like us can start looking for their mate." I had a ton of questions, but started with the simple ones. "What do you mean people like us?" "When you hit your head in the forest, do you remember what you saw?" I looked away from him and started to think, it was such a long time ago now that it was hard to remember. "Do you mean that wolf that I saw? I was surprised it didn't kill me with how large it was." "That wolf was Archer." Damon said bluntly not tearing his eyes off me. I looked at him blankly, "What does that mean?" Before Damon could answer Ciara bounced through the door glaring at Damon. But what really caught my attention was the person behind her.

Archer looked at me with cold green eyes and smiled.  

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