Chapter 2

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The next day was the same routine, get up, get dressed, brush teeth, you know the drill. When I got on the bus the total jerk was sitting at the back. As soon as he looked up and saw me he smirked, "I thought I felt the bus tilt!" I could hear all the kids on the bus snickering. I didn’t say anything as I sat down bowing my head so that he would leave me alone... but he didn’t. "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Your family?" More snickers. With each comment he shot at me the more I sunk in my chair. When the school bus reached the front entry way I calmly escaped and rushed to the washroom, entirely aware that tears were starting to stream down my face. Luckily I had grown my bangs out a little so they perfectly covered my eyes. I was about to enter the washroom when I bumped into something and had my butt fall straight on the floor. I looked up to find the boy I met yesterday, what was his name again? Oh right, Jack. "Ooh, hi Jack. We gatta stop meeting like this!" I said with a smile, making sure I didn’t make eye contact. "I didn’t think you fell that hard." Jack lent down and whipped a tear off my face. I stared at him in shock for a couple seconds then smiled. "Well I had rugby practice the other day and hurt my tailbone, so it hurts a bit more than it usually would." I lied with a giant smile on my face. But Jack didn’t seem convinced. He offered his hand, "Let me held you up." I blushed out of embarrassment. Not because a hot guy was helping me up but because if he tried to pull me he would see how heavy I was. I grabbed his hand and before I knew it I was on my feet. "Um thanks." I stuttered, looking away from his penetrating gaze. "No problem now do you want to tell me why you’re really crying?" He said with concern. I swear to you I stared at him for a full minute. "What are you talking about? I told you I was playing rugby and-" but before I knew it he had grabbed my hand and was pulling me to the music room before class started.

He stopped in the middle of the room and turned around to come face to face with me. "I know your lying I can see it in your eyes." he said sternly. I couldn’t believe this guy. Who is he? Why is he trying to be nice? I looked down, hiding my eyes again. "I know what you’re doing." He looked at me puzzled. "You want me to tell you a secret so you can use it against me. Or maybe there’s a camera in here that will catch me breaking down. Did Erick ask you to do this? Was it a plan to get me upset?" I started to cry again I didn’t care if this was a ploy. They have already seen me at my worst what else could they do? Suddenly I felt warmth wrap around. I realized this boy was hugging me. "Who did this to you?" he whispered. His voice sounded hurt, like a lost puppy. *bam* I turned around to find the boy from my guitar class standing by the music door, glaring at us. He looked like he wanted to kill something... or someone. Before anyone could say anything the angry boy left storming out of the room. I started to realize what I was doing.

"Sorry Jack I'll see you later." I didn’t even look at Jack as I rushed back to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I was surprised to see that I wasn’t a total mess. Jack had calmed me down so my tears stopped. But my eyes were still red and puffy but it was nothing excuses of allergies couldn’t dodge. The first bell rang and I slowly walked to music class, not wanting to run into Damon. To my surprise throughout the entire music class he didn’t show up, the music teacher however looked quite pleased with himself.

I was careful walking to my next class. I didn’t want the awkward situation I would have between Jack and myself in the hallway. Again to my surprise he was nowhere to be seen. 'That was strange' I thought. The entire day passed by like a daze. Every now and then someone would ask me about my puffy eyes, but each time I would brush it off with, "I'm allergic to flowers." It’s amazing how a smile can cover up so much pain. When the final bell rang I was almost relieved because I was almost home free. But I knew that Erick would still be on the bus, waiting for me. I was approaching my locker with my eyes on the floor when I spotted something. A pair of unfamilliar shoes was stationed in front of my locker. I looked up to find Damon standing there waiting for me. I almost considered turning back because he was glaring at the floor like it was the ugliest thing he had ever seen. Before I could make up my mind weather to leave or not he noticed my standing there. "Hey." He said in a rough voice. "Hi?" I said cautiously. We stood there in silence for what seemed like forever. "So, sorry but that’s my locker." I said shyly. He nodded and moved to the locker beside it.

Ooookkaaaayyyyy I don’t know why he's still hanging around here. ‘Must be waiting for a friend.’ I opened my locker and grabbed my stuff. When I closed it, replaced the lock and started to walk away I noticed Damon following me. Maybe he gave up on who he was waiting for? When I approached the bus to go home I felt a tug on my arm. "What the?" I turned around to find Damon tugging on my sleeve. "What are you doing?" 

Authors Note:


sorry I'm such a devil!!!!

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