Chapter 15

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Archer's pov

I couldn't hold on anymore. I grabbed a pair of extra jeans from by bedroom and ran outside, changing into my wolf form. Allowing him to take over I ran for miles and miles until I caught her scent. As I started to run back in anticipation of meeting my mate I realized she would be frightened at what she saw. Changing back into my human form I turn away from where my mates scent was coming from. She must have escaped from the house because I could hear my guards yelling in the background for her. 'Let her come to me.' I mind linked my pack. 'Yes, Alpha Archer.' one of my members answered me. My back was turned to her when she entered the clearing. I could hear her panting nervously. When I turned around to look at her she glanced at me in shear horror, obviously she could tell she was cornered. All I could do was look at her lovingly. She had long brown hair that when the sun shawn on just right had a gleam of red. She was short but cute, I didn't even notice she was slightly overweight until I came closer to her. She was perfect. When I approached her, for a moment she returned my look of love. And then she did something i never expected.

She punched me square in the nose.

I could feel her finger crack under the pressure of her punch to my face. She seemed too preoccupied with trying to get away to notice her hurt hand. 'Take her to the house.' I mind linked. As they came at her I reminded them, 'GENTLY' my wolf was overexcited. I could feel us reuniting emotionally and spiritually. All we needed to do now was be accepted by her and we would become one again.

The only problem I could think of is...

What would Ciara think?

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