Chapter 26

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Pov. *Ash

The bath water was a few degrees too hot, but I took no notice. Archer and I had sat for hours, laughing, talking, laughing some more. It's getting easier to be around him, to connect with him to fall in- "UGH!" I splashed my face in frustration. "What the hell is wrong with me." 

Alright, pro's and con's of this relationship. Con's; He kidnapped me. Honestly that should be enough. I might not see my family again. He could hurt me. He's a werewolf. And he's shit at cooking pizza. Pro's; He's hot. Has a nice side. He's funny. He obviously cares about me.

I got out of the tub and dried myself off. The mirror squeaked as I wiped the condensation off it, staring back at me was the new Ash. Short hair, intense eyes, my back was straighter from my new found confidence. Even if this wasn't a pleasant experience at least I grew as a person.

I stepped out of the bathroom and into my room wrapped in a towel. "Hey there." I jumped three feet in the air. "Archer!" He was leaning against the door, a sly smile tugged at his lips. "I'm in a towel." I started blatantly. "You're blushing." He whispered, pushing himself off the door, walking towards me. "I was in a hot bath. My face is red." This would have been more effective if I was making eye contact, but my eyes were glued to the floor. God dammit where was that new found confidence? He was close now, he placed his finger under my chin to lift my face to his. We were only centimetres away. His eyes were striking, I couldn't tell if my face was that of concern or wonder. 

I let out a small chuckle, feeling nervous, "So," I began, desperately searching my mind for something witty or clever to say, but just like my body my brain was frozen. "You come here often?"...well you can't say I didn't try. "Not often enough." He gently pushed me back until my spine was pressed against the wall. "Can I kiss you?" I hesitated, quickly glancing at his lips. "I don't know, can you?" Apparently my only wit is coming from the eighth grade file in my brain. Archer only chuckled, "I won't if you don't want me to." He removed his hand from under my chin and placed it on my hip. 

Well... I guess I can always teach him how to make pizza because I kissed that boy. I kissed that boy hard.  

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