Chapter 19

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*Archers Pov*

I walked down the hallway back to Ciara's room to have a talk with her. She needed to understand the boundaries that come with being a sister. As I passed the staircase I noticed Ash talking to Lonnie, one of the most down to earth wolves I have ever met, and thats saying a lot since we are almost always on all fours. I paused for a moment admiring my mate, she had a confidence about her that I hadn't noticed before. Probably because she hid behind her once long hair. She glanced at me and noticed I was looking at her. We held eye contact for a brief moment before she blushed and focused back on Lonnie. I was momentarily annoyed that she would give her attention to Lonnie instead of me but then I remembered my sister and forced myself back to my current task. I slowly walked down the hallway until I came upon her door. I sighed loudly, dreading the conversation we were about to have and I knocked on her door. I heard the knock eco but nothing else made a sound. I slowly opened her door,

"Ciara?" She couldn't have left because I locked the door. But she wasn't here. I opened her closet to see if she was hiding when I felt a cold breeze brush my cheek. "Damn it." I raced to the window to see if I could catch a glimpse of where she could be but there was no sign of her. 'Hey! I need a search group. Ciara is missing and I need to find her.' At first no one in the mind link answered. I knew how much they disliked Ciara but they never said anything because she was the Alpha's sister. 'She;s missing?' Jack was the first to answer, weird as she may be she was still Jacks older sister. 'Yeah, I locked her in her room because I needed to make sure she wouldn't run away before I had a chance to talk with her, but I forgot the window and-' 'mmhmm, I will get some friends together and we will try and find her.' 'By the way, I saw Damon.' Silence. 'I need you to find him too, track his scent. He kissed Ash and I want to make sure he knows the consequences.' I wanted to growl at the last part but the memory of me kissing Ash flashed through my stupid brain and I smirked instead.

Jack and anyone else who was on the line saw it too and at this I blushed. 'Listen I have to go now.' and with that I shut off the line. I walked down the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen with Ash, Damon, and Ciara on my mind. What on earth am I going to do to with those three. As I entered the kitchen to find Ash and Lonnie cooking what looked like home made pizza I decided to start with Ash. "Hey there!" Lonnie greeted me as she normally did, but Ash stopped spreading the dough over the pizza pan to stare at me. She obviously hasn't gotten used to me yet. 

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