Chapter 4

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I walked through my front door puzzled. How the hell did he know where I lived? The neighborhood, my street, my house! Maybe he asked a friend? Probably not since I haven't had friends over in forever. Maybe online? That couldn't be, for 1 I have never posted personal information and 2 what kind of hot piece of ass would go through all that trouble just to offer a drive home? I wanted to think of all my options but was interrupted. "Honey is that you?" my mother called from the kitchen. "Ya it's me!" I responded heading towards her. When I entered the kitchen I smelt a sweet aroma that engulfed me. "What is that?" I asked bewildered. My mother turned to me with a proud smile, "Oh that? That's a new vegan stew I'm preparing!"

My mother was always trying new diet plans that didn't cost a lot of money. Usually they came out of the blue and only lasted about a week. "That's great." I murmured to her as I sat down at the small kitchen table. My family's house wasn't a large one. Sure it could fit four (rather large) people in it but it wasn't like anything you would see in a magazine. There were 3 bedrooms and a basement, usually my family could be caught sitting in the living room watching TV but sometimes we would go downstairs and play a board game. Old fashioned I know. My family is currently a family of three, my brother moved off to university the year I arrived at high school. That's why I want to go to university too, he seems so free now, like he could do anything by himself without the restraint of teachers or parents. That's what I want to be like, free.

"So," my mother began, "how was your second day at school? Did you meet anyone?" she wiggled her eyebrows and looked at me suggestively. My mother wanted a prom date for me when the time came; I guess she was already trying to get me to focus on someone. "Today was fine, I did meet two new guys though, and they were pretty nice. One of them gave me a ride home." I wanted her to think I was making new friends and having a good time. She looked at me with utter disbelief. "Oooohhhh my baby girl's growing up! What do they look like? What are their names? Are they related? Have they asked you out? What kind of car do they drive? Are they interested in you?" all of a sudden my mother started asking questions but after a while she seemed to be asking them to herself. "MOM!" I stopped her. "Listen, there just friends so far nothings come up yet." she looked disappointed for a moment, smile fading... spoke too soon, it popped right back on, "Yet?" I sighed as she squealed in excitement.

Night-time came and I was getting ready to go to bed. The stew my mother made was actually quite good, even though it didn't have meat. I turned my light off and climbed into the bed. Staring up at the darkness brought my mind back to the reality that a stranger dropped me off at my house without directions. Maybe I told him where I lived without realizing it? No, I definitely remember NOT telling him anything about myself. I will just have to ask him tomorrow when he picks me up. I blushed at that thought, a hot guy picking me up at my house and driving me to school! I stopped smiling at that thought. He probably won't want to let people see me with him. I sighed realizing I was probably either going to be dropped off a street over or at the back of the school. I tried to push the thought out of my mind to try and sleep. but no matter what I did I couldn't look past the thought that I was an embarrassment to him.

The next day I crawled out of bed. I couldn't sleep all night dreading what would happen today. Maybe it was a ploy set up by Erik? What could they be planning? I did my routine while pondering over my thoughts. Maybe he won't even show up and I'll miss my bus. I guess that wouldn't be too bad, school wasn't that fun anyway. I was entirely ready 20 minutes before he would show up. I was wearing a black t-shirt with a dark purple hoodie and jeans. During the time he was supposed to arrive I paced up and down my hallway. My mother had already left for work by the time I got up this morning. Finally I saw two headlights pull up my driveway. "Ok this is it." I approached my front and grabbed the knob. Before opening it I took a deep breath and twisted, opening the door. Before me stood Damon. He was wearing an Imagine Dragons band t-shirt with jeans that had a chain connecting one belt loop to another. His clothes hugged his muscles beautifully. I hadn't known I was staring at him until he chuckled. I blushed a deep red and bowed my head so I couldn't make eye contact. "Come on, let's go." he said turning towards his car. When I looked up I saw a red Mercedes, it was the most gorgeous car I had ever laid eyes on. Again, I hadn't noticed I was staring until Damon pushed up my dropped jaw. "Like it?" he asked with a giant smirk on his face. I couldn't even make eye contact, "u-um i-it's really nice." I did a mental face palm. How could I be so stupid? But what was really on my mind was how warm and soft his touch was.

I climbed into the car with a deep red blush on my face. Damon entered the car and started to back out of my drive way. I didn't talk to him for a couple minutes because he was concentrating, he broke the silence first. "How do you like taking the bus?" I flinched. Why was he asking me this? "Uh it's okay?" He nodded his head like he was thinking about my reply. After a couple minutes I broke the silence, "so how did you know where I lived?" The car came to a sudden stop and I jerked forward with the force. "Wha-what?" He stammered looking totally surprised. "Yesterday," I answered cautiously, "you drove me home without even asking where I lived. How did you know?" He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. When he started driving again he answered slowly. "Didn't you tell me where you lived?" He asked looking helpless. "No, I'm pretty sure I never said anything like that." I stated becoming alarmed inside, how did he know? So maybe this was a ploy? "Did you ask Erik?" I almost didn't want to know the answer. Damon looked briefly confused and then changed his expression to joyful. "YES! That's exactly what I did!" "Stop the car." I commanded looking away from him. "wha-what?" He stumbled, "I said let me out!" I was yelling because I was afraid, I trusted a perfect stranger and look where it got me. The car stopped again and I grudgingly opened and slammed the door. Walking down the road back home. I didn't want to go to school and face Erik, wouldn't he just love to see the state I'm in? I tried not to start crying when I heard the other car door slam. Unfortunately I have no recollection of what happens next because a cloth was roughly placed over my mouth and nose before passing out.

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