Chapter 17

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I walked around my property for several days trying to find Damon. No one has seen him since my wolf targeted his frustrations at him. 'See? This is what happens when you don't think before you speak.' I scolded my wolf for the hundredth time. 'Listen,' he started, 'I don't trust anyone. Why should I? After dad did what he did?' I sighed and stopped walking, looking up at the sky I replied to him. 'Dad is gone. You need to understand that not everyone is a potential dad. Our mate will love us. She will love us for what we are.' I felt a slight pang of worry from my wolf, 'You're going to tell her?' I sighed again and started back to the house. 'I will tell her when she is ready, we cannot keep secrets from her. Just like how she cannot keep secrets from us.' I easily opened the huge wooden doors to my front entry way and remembered how I was told that Ash couldn't budge them at all. I chuckled to myself but stopped when I spotted Edmund, the family butler. He was always grumpy and condescending. "Edmund! Have you seen Damon?" He turned to me with a blank stare, "I believe I have already answered your question." I had asked this question a few days ago. Still it took me a couple seconds to remember when exactly I talked to him. "Listen, Jack might know where Damon is, could you find him for me?" "I would think you would have tried asking him the first time." I closed my eyes and internally rolled them. "Just, find him. Tell him to meet me in my office." I walked to the kitchen first and grabbed a snack. 'What do you think Ciara is feeding her?' I asked my wolf, noticing not much in the kitchen is different from the last time I've been in here. 'I don't know. She would feed her though.' I made it a mental note to visit my mate very soon. 

I walked in my office to meet an unhappy Jack. He was pacing all around my office. When he finally noticed I was standing there he was furious. "How could you let Ciara treat her like that?" Ah Shit. "I told Ciara to take care of her!" I pivoted on the spot and ripped open my door and started walking angrily to Ash's room. "Wait!' Jack grabbed my shoulder. "She's fine for now Archer. We need to talk about what is going to happen.' I was a little unsettled, change that, I was really very unsettled about the news of Ciara, but I calmed myself down long enough to listen to what Jack has to say. "You need to spend some time with her Archer. She needs to know that you are not an asshole." With this my wolfs anger started to show through. How dare he think that she thinks I'm an asshole? "Listen, I need to find Damon. I said some things earlier that I really need to clear up with him." Jack sighed. I could tell something was off. "What is it Jack? What aren't you telling me?" At first he wouldn't make eye contact, but he soon took a deep breath and slowly said what was on his mind. "I have not seen Damon since," at this he gave me a Jack look, "the day you snapped at him. But I have been asking around, outside of this compound, and I have stumbled across some disturbing rumours. According to some allied vampire clans they have seen Damon coming and going from the Bloodlust region for several months now. If he is unfindable in our homeland then he is more than likely with them." I couldn't believe my ears. "What could he be doing with them?" "I intend to find out." We stood there in silence for what seemed like forever. How could this happen? First my wolf almost detaches from my spirit, then I find my mate who hates me, then Damon unites with the most dangerous vampire clan. What could they be planning? My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a scream from my guard. "Archer! Ash isn't in her room!" I yelled in anger and frustration at the guard. I could feel my body shaking as I ripped through the front door. My body convulsed and morphed into my wolf form. I tore through the trees trying to pick up my mates sweet sent. When I found her she was lying on the ground close to unconsciousness. Blood was oozing out of her skull, she looked at me with bleeding eyes. But what shocked me, and surprisingly warmed me even in this situation, was that there was no fear in her eyes. The first person who hasn't looked at me with terror. Before I could celebrate this moment Ash passed out. I changed back into my human form and picked up my mate. I ran her limp body back to the house, "Where is the Doctor!?" I roared. Immediately the house was crawling with werewolves. Ash was taken from me and placed on the kitchen table. The Doctor looked her over and ushered me out of the room. Apparently my "intense glare" was making him nervous.

(Just an authors note I was planning on stopping around here but then looked at the word count and it was only 890 and I planned to go to 2500 so consider yourselves lucky I checked.)

A few hours later I watched a few of my pack members carrying Ash to her room. I was about to follow them when the doctor walked out to greet me. The doctor always interested me. He was in his forties, he was mated to my aunt so I suppose I should be calling him my uncle but I always just settle on 'the doctor'. He used to be human, and when he found out we were werewolves he took it in full stride. He learned about different medicines that could help werewolves. Medical science that hadn't been looked into at all. He even started looking into different species to learn about their medical needs such as vampires. He accepted this world the way it is. Maybe Ash can also accept this world. "Listen Archer, Ash hit her head pretty hard and the left side of her ribs are bruised. The blood you saw was only a gash. She doesn't have serious injuries." At this I let out a sigh of relief. "Theres just this one issue." The doctor continued. "She needs to be away from stress so I would recommend leaving her alone for a few days." "I understand." The doctor smiled at me and left me alone with my thoughts. Just as he left the house Ciara bolted down the stairs and ran up to me. "Damon is here!" She hissed at me. "Where?" I was surprised he was back so soon. "He is talking to Ash!" I was calm, he is my friend. He wouldn't do anything that could hurt me. Ciara lead me to Ash's room and when we entered I found Ash standing next to Damon. I blankly looked at Ash, my mind was trying to calculate what had happened to her hair.

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