The big moment part 2

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"I want this over I want to hold her" Niall says as he pants

"Soon Niall you can hold her soon. Right now she is getting ready to be born, so hopefully not much longer" Louis says as he comforts Niall a little bit to get his mind off the pain

"I hope you are right Lou" Niall says as he relaxes between contractions cause they started to pick up a little bit

"You are doing good Niall" Louis says as Liam and Harry bring everything that they need for the delivery of the baby

"I'm going to see if we are near any hospitals" Liam says as he leaves to head to the front of the bus

"You better boil some hot water while you up there" Louis says as he yells at Liam

"I'm going to join Liam" Harry says as he leaves as well

"No you don't Harry I need you to stay with Niall cause with the way his labor is progressing he will be delivering here within the next hour or so" Louis says as he feels to where the baby was located, so he could see how far along Niall was in his labor

"I better get some ice for him" Harry says as he heads for the kitchen to get some ice chips for Niall to munch on as he labors

"Yeah you better cause I am going to have him sleep while i finish getting everything ready for the baby to come" Louis says as he gets up to prop Niall up, so he was more comfortable and ready t deliver the baby that night on the bus

Louis fluffed Niall's pillows for him and made him comfortable as he could, and helped him focus on something other then the contractions that he was having

"Thanks Lou" Niall says as he breathes in and out cause that was helping a little bit with the pain

"Niall I would love to give you something for the pain but i can't" Louis says as he feels how far Niall was dilated

"I wish there was something i could do to help take some more of the pain away" Niall says as he continues to visualize his focus object

"I know" Louis says as he gets comfortable cause he was going to be in this with Niall for the long haul

Harry fed Niall ice chips and timed the contractions for Louis cause Louis was going to be delivering the baby

"How is he doing?" Harry asks him

"Getting close he is at eight right now, so two more and then he can start pushing" Louis says as he gets his glasses on, and the gear that he ordered, so the lounge wouldn't be covered in blood when Niall delivers the baby

"That is good" Harry says as Niall drifts off to sleep cause he needed his sleep cause he was going to be pushing his little girl into the world into the world in a few hours

"Yeah it is" Louis says in the bathroom as he gets ready cause he was going to be doing the dirty work

"Good news we are close to the hospital, so the bus driver is taking us there" Liam says as he pokes his head into the room where Niall was sleeping

"I thought we weren't going to be going to the hospital" Harry says to him

"I have us going there just in case there is complications and we need a doctor fast to help us" Liam says as he goes over to get everything ready for baby girl Horan to come into the world

"Yeah that is true" Harry says as he goes and gets some sleep as well cause he was going to be coaching Niall through the delivery and Niall needed him

Liam decided to get the crib bunk ready for the baby as well as anything else that Louis will need when he has the baby

(Two hours later)

"Okay Niall you are fully dilated are you ready to push?" Louis asks as he gets into position to deliver the baby

Niall nods

"Okay go ahead and push" Louis says as he gets the mask on his face, so he doesn't get covered in blood from Niall

"Niall you are doing so good" Harry says as Niall continues to push the baby into the world

"Harry shut it this hurts" Niall says as he relaxes a little bit

"I bet it does and soon you will have your little girl in your arms" Harry says to him as he wipes Niall's forehead from the sweat that was coming from his forehead

"Okay Niall the head is coming into view continue to push hard and good and you will have a baby in no time" Louis says as he gets a towel to clean the baby off when she was born

Niall push his chin to his chest and continued to push as hard as he could to get his little angel out and into the world

"Good Niall I can see the head keep going" Louis says to him as he continues to push with all of his might

"Ugh" Niall says as he rests for a little bit after the head came out

Louis was able to see if the baby had its cord around her neck

"Niall the cord is wrapped around her neck so I am going to move it" Louis says as he moves the cord from the baby neck so Niall could continue to push the baby out

Niall continued to pant as Louis worked on the cord and cleaning the baby up a little bit, so she was able to cry as soon as she was born

"Niall her one eye is all white so she is going to be blind" Louis says when the baby opened her eyes to see her surroundings

Niall started to cry a little bit cause his baby was going to be special but he was going to love her no matter what

"Okay Niall push she is almost here" Louis says as to him

Niall pushed until the baby was born

"Here she is Niall" Louis says as he lays the baby down to see her mommy

"Hi beautiful I'm your mommy" Niall says to his daughter as he calms her down a little bit

Harry cuts the cord as Liam takes the baby to get a diaper on as well as wrapped in a blanket

"Here she is" Liam says as he hands the baby back to Niall

"Aren't you the cutest baby ever" Niall says as he rocks the baby in his arms

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