Zayn & Liam goodbye

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Request sent in by @larryxstylinson4 I hope it is okay and what you wanted

Liam was currently seven months pregnant with his and Zayn's first child, and they were keeping the gender a surprise cause they didn't want to find out what they were having at all

"Zayn I'm home" Liam says as he comes into the house after a long day at the office

Liam searched the whole house for Zayn and he couldn't find him nowhere at all 

"Zayn where are you cause me and the baby want to cuddle a little bit after a long day" Liam calls as he searches the entire house for Zayn

Liam still didn't see Zayn anywhere

"Zayn come out do you want to hear about our baby cause I went to the doctor to find out about little peanut?" Liam asks cause he thought of Zayn might want to hear about the baby and how it was doing

Liam found a note inside Zayn's art room, and Liam started to cry cause this couldn't be true cause he thought that Zayn had loved him and their baby, and wanted to stay in the band as well

"No this can't be happening to me" Liam says as he let's the tears fall cause he was heartbroken that Zayn had left him and their baby like this

Liam decided to call the others cause he needed them right now since he was pregnant, and he wanted some company until the baby decides to come

"I hope i don't go into labor due to this stress" Liam says as he heads for the nursery to see if the nursery was completely ready for the baby to come cause he was in no mood to finish the nursery himself cause he was going to be going on leave within the next few weeks cause the baby will be getting ready to make it's appearance

Liam was glad that the nursery was ready for the baby

"All mommy has to do is wait for you to come little one" Liam says as he looks down at his baby bump that he had


"Liam you home?" Harry asks as he comes into the house cause he was the first one to come and Louis and Niall were on their way as well to be with Liam as he goes through this tough time with Zayn being gone 

"In the nursery" Liam calls to Harry 

"Coming" Harry says as he goes up to Liam and sees if he was okay or not

"Li are you okay?" Harry asks him as he comes into the nursery

"No i think the baby is coming" Liam says as he breathes through the pain of the contractions that he was having

"Okay once the others come we will head to the hospital cause this baby is a little early" Harry says as he goes and gets Liam's hospital bag, so they could head for the hospital once Louis and Niall come

"Okay" Liam says as he breathes through it

Once Harry heard the front door open he helped Liam down the stairs, so they could head to the hospital

"Harry what's going on with Liam?" Louis asks him

"Due to the stress cause by Zayn leaving the band, and leaving him he went into labor, so we need to get to the hospital cause this baby is going to be too early" Harry says as he carries the hospital bag that had everything in it for Liam

"Easy Li we don't want anything else to happen to you" Niall says as he helps Liam down the stairs, so they could head to the hospital so Liam could have the baby

Liam was walking as slow as could be cause he didn't want to have the baby at home or in the car for that matter

"I'll get in the back with him" Harry says as they get into Liam's car, so they could head to the hospital, so Liam could have the baby

"I'll drive" Niall says as he gets into the driver's seat, so they could head there

Louis decided he was going to time the contractions and Help Harry who was helping Liam through the pain of the contractions

"Soon Li you will have a beautiful baby that you will love" Louis says as Liam lays his head on Louis as they head to the hospital

"Yeah Li you can spoil it and give it lots of love" Harry says as Niall hits it to the hospital, so Liam could go into delivery 


Harry picked Liam up and carried him bridal style into the hospital cause Liam couldn't walk cause he was too upset

"Liam are you already registered?" Louis asks him

"Yeah i did it on my way home from work the other day, so when the time came all we have to do is go through express and head up to maternity, so I can have the baby" Liam says as he relaxes after the last contraction 

"Liam you are doing so good" Niall says as he comforts his best friend who was in a lot of pain for the contractions that he was having

"Thanks Ni" Liam says as the team heads through express, so Liam could head up and have the baby which is going to be early

Liam was in maternity before he knew it

"Ow, ow, ow, ow" Liam says as he was hit by another contraction cause that one was worst then the first

"Liam that was the second one in the past two minutes" Louis says as he looks at the stopwatch that he had 

"I feel a bunch of pressure" Liam says as he felt the baby move into position to be born

"Liam try to wait a little longer" Niall says as he unpacks Liam's bag that had everything in it to help Liam with labor

"Yes stressing yourself more is going to make it worse" Harry says as he tries to get Liam's mind off of Zayn leaving him

"I can't cause we made this baby together, and i don't know what I will do if the baby has Zayn's looks" Liam says as he continues to cry cause this was starting to be too much for him to take

"Liam stop the baby is going to be born sooner then what you think" Niall says as he checks to see if he saw the baby being born yet

"Guys I have to push" Liam says as he starts to push cause he felt a bunch of pressure

"Okay push Li and I will catch the baby" Niall says after Liam was on the hospital bed and the nurses were able to get him into a gown

Liam pushed until he felt the head come out

"Okay Liam the next three pushes should do it and the baby should be here" Niall says to him

Liam nods as he pushes to get the baby out

"What is it?" Liam asks Niall

"It's a beautiful girl" Niall says as he clean the small baby up, so Liam could hold her

"Hey baby" Liam says when he sees his daughter for the first time

"Who would like to do the cord?" Niall asks Harry and Louis

Harry volunteers to cut the cord of the tiny girl that Liam had in his arms

"Is she okay?" Liam asks them

"We will have to see about that Li" Louis says as he comes in with a nurse

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