Nouis: The X factor twins

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This one Louis is going to be the pregnant one and he didn't know that he was pregnant with the twin girls

"These trousers are fitting kind of tight" Louis says as he gets ready to go on the finale and perform before they go on their long break and have some private time out of the public eye for a while

"Putting on a little weight Lou?" Liam asks him as he was getting ready to go on stage and perform as well

"I think so" Louis says as he was finishing getting ready

"I think you look okay" Niall says as he approaches Louis 

"Thanks Niall" Louis says as he was hit by a strong cramp in his stomach area

"Welcome come on let's go and perform for the fans one last time before we start our break which i don't think is going to last that long cause we are stuck like glue" Niall says as he helps Louis to the stage where they were going to perform at

"It is weird being here and performing again" Louis says as he gets onto the stage

"Yeah it does hard to believe five years ago we were put together on this stage" Harry says as he remembers the first time that they were put together

"Look how far we have come too" Liam says as he remembers that day

"Guys sorry we have to perform we can have flashbacks another time" Niall says to the two that were remembering that day like it was yesterday

"Sorry Niall" Liam and Harry say as they take their places for the songs that they were going to perform before they went on their break

Louis was having a great time singing the songs that the band had picked out for the performance, but those cramps in his stomach were starting to get stronger and he was going to need to go to the hospital after the performance was over to see what is going on with him

"Louis are you okay?" Niall asks as he was in the massive hug with his band mates 

"No something is wrong with me and I need to go to the hospital to go and get check out now Niall" Louis says to him cause the pain was starting to be too much for Louis

"Okay come on I'll take you we have to sneak out without Simon seeing us" Niall says as he thinks of how they were going to escape since Simon was going to be talking to them after the performance was over 

Niall talks it over with Harry and Liam and they were going to cover for Niall and Louis as t hey were going to see about him

"Hang onto me Louis and we are going to go to the hospital to see what is going on with you" Niall says as he walks with Louis out to his car to go to the hospital to see what is going on with Louis and get it taken care of

"Thank you Niall" Louis says as he lays down in Niall's car to go to the hospital

"Welcome come on we must waste no more time" Niall says as he gets in to head to the hospital

The whole way Niall kept an eye on Louis and helped with the pains that he was having and keep his breathing under control as they were heading to the hospital to see about Louis


"Louis can you walk in on your own or do i need to carry you?" Niall asks him

"Can i lean on you Niall?" Louis asks him

"Sure you can come on" Niall says as they walk into the hospital

Niall was able to get Louis registered and taken back to see what is going on with him and see if it can be taken care of

"Okay Louis you are going to need to wear a hospital gown" Niall says as he helps Louis undress, so the doctor could check what is wrong with Louis

Louis does what he is told and slips into a hospital gown

"Up onto the bed now" Niall says as he helps Louis onto the bed, so the doctor could see what is going on with him and get it taken care of 

Once Louis was on the bed he felt a flush of water come out of him

"Louis did you wet the bed?" Niall asks him

"No I didn't Niall don't be silly" Louis says as he breathes through the pain when the doctor came in to see what is going on with him

"Well Mr. Tomlinson by the looks of things you are pregnant and in labor so you are going to be going up to labor and delivery to have the baby or babies in this case" the doctor tells him

Louis was shocked that he was in fact pregnant and he was about to have a baby

"Don't worry Louis I ain't leaving your side for one minute" Niall says as he goes up with Louis to the maternity ward where Louis was going to be having the babies at 

"Niall i feel like i have to push" Louis says when they were in the elevator heading up to maternity

"Go ahead and push Lou it's okay" Niall says as he helps Louis with his labor

Niall counted as Louis pushed the first baby out

"Go again Lou" Niall says as he whispers it to him as they were still in the elevator heading up to maternity 

Louis pushed until he felt the first head come out 

"Good Louis go again you are almost done" Niall says to him

Louis pushed until he felt the shoulder slip from him

"One tiny push and the baby should be here Louis" Niall says to him 

Louis pushed until they heard that cry, and when they heard a cry the nurses stopped to check Louis

"What is it?" Louis asks as he pants

"It's a girl a lovely one too" a nurse says as she hands the baby to Louis to hold as they were heading to delivery now cause Louis was in fact delivering 

"She looks like you Niall" Louis says when he sees the baby open her pretty eyes to look at where she was at

"She does" Niall says when he sees the baby girl that was looking at her daddy 

Once in the delivery room the first baby was taken away ti be examined by the nurses and weighed and measured 

"Okay Mr. Tomlinson the second and last baby is in position so go ahead and push" the doctor tells Louis

Louis started to push again

"Good the head is in sight keep going" the doctor says to him

Louis pushed until the second head was out

"This one looks like you Lou" Niall says as he gets a peak at the second baby being born

Louis pushed until the second baby was out

"It's a girl you have two healthy girls Mr. Tomlinson" the doctor tells him

"Can i hold them?" Louis asks as he lays on the bed

"Sure you can" the doctor says as the one nurse brings over the first baby which she gave to Niall

"Hey little one" Niall says as he holds the first twin in his arms 

Louis got the second one

"I can't believe you two were in me" he says as he looks at the twins

V & C

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