Larry: Two girls part 2

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Part 2 requested by  @sxulsinger sorry if it's late love if you want part 3 let me know cause this part i am going to focus on Louis's labor and the birth as well before doing the next request after this and this one is going to be longer since I am out of my cast and in my brace right now so spelling is going to be on point like before i went in a cast 

"Hi Colleen you being good in there for papa?" Harry asks as he looks down at his bump where the other girl was

Colleen didn't respond to papa she was a quiet little girl and kept to herself a lot

"I take it you are and I think you might be napping right now which is good and papa can get some things done" Harry says as he makes himself something to eat cause he was quite hungry and he knew she needed to eat

Once Harry was done he made Louis something as well so Louis didn't get angry at him cause he didn't make him nothing at all

"Here Louis i made you something" Harry says as he gave Louis his food

"Thanks Harry little Evie is scared" Louis says as he was rubbing his belly since Evie was kicking Louis like crazy

"Evie it's okay daddy is here sweetie" Harry says as he was talking to her to soothe her since she was really upset

Louis decided to go to the hospital with the way she was kicking cause she was kicking really good like she wanted to be born

"I'll be right there love" Harry says as he grabs the bag and the keys since Louis couldn't drive and Harry could still since he was not that big at all and he was glad for that while Louis was as big as a house but that was all baby and he could not wait to meet their little girl soon

Louis was breathing just in case it was the real deal and Evie was going to be born 

"Let's have our little girl" Harry says as he helps Louis into the car so they 

Harry was worried he was going too slow, too fast should he be stopping for all of the lights, stop signs


"Should i get the car seat?" Harry asks him 

"No wait a while and see if this is really it Harry" Louis says as they head into the hospital to have Evie 

Harry was okay with that, and he was checking to see if he had all of the cards that they needed to get checked in even though Louis registered way before this 

"I got our number and everything is going to be fine Harry" Louis says as he was making Harry calm cause Harry was a bit of a wreck since Louis went into labor first with Evie 

Harry was able to calm down a little bit after a while as they waited 

"Colleen is very quiet" Louis says as he was feeling Harry's stomach to see if Colleen was going to kick daddy     

"Yeah she is and I am okay with that while Evie can be our wild one" Harry says with a chuckle as Louis goes up to the window to get registered and checked in once again 

"For sure" Louis says as he sat down so he can get checked in and registered 

Harry was going to be walking up with Louis since Louis did not want the wheelchair at all cause he wanted to have Evie drop into the canal as he was walking 

(Louis hospital room)

"Here we are" Harry says as he comes in with Louis 

"Yup and we will become a family of three" Louis says as he was going to change into his hospital gown that he had packed for the hospital 

After Louis was in his gown Harry and him walked the halls to help with labor and contractions 

"Let me know when you want to go back to the room Lou" Harry says as Louis was in a middle of a contraction 

Louis nods as he was dealing with the pain 

"You want an epidural?" Harry asks Louis after a while

"Of course i want to get some sleep" Louis says as they continue to walk so labor can progress on it's own 

Louis was able to get the epidural after walking the halls for four hours and all that walking made him really tired, so sleep was welcome in his eyes. Harry was going to freshen up as well, get something to eat, and get some sleep too cause Louis was going to need him later on when it came time to have the baby 

(Much later)

"Okay Louis one more push and little Evie will be here" the doctor says since Louis started to deliver the baby a while ago 

"Louis we are almost there and after this one push she will be here" Harry says as he was encouraging Louis as he was having the baby 

Louis pushed and then they heard that cry 

"She's here Lou she's here" Harry says as little Evie cried her lungs out for her parents as she was placed on Louis chest 

"You want to do the cord?" the doctor asks Harry 

Harry was unsure about cutting the cord so Louis cut the cord this time around as Evie settled down on mommy 

"Here let's put her headband on her so she looks beautiful" Harry says to Louis as he grabbed a headband that Louis had packed for her when he went into labor 

"Yeah and then I hope we can go home with her cause I am not staying here" Louis says to Harry 

Louis had to stay in the hospital for two days to recover from the birth of Evie and then he was able to go home with his little princess who was just like her daddies and t hey would not have it any other way

V & C   

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