Lilo: Never touch my tea

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Request sent in by @jfakeliampayne I hope it is okay

Louis and Liam Paylinson were both pregnant at the same time, and were due at the same time with their daughters who was going to be named Johannah and Andrea. Louis had Johannah or Anna as he calls her and Liam had Andrea 

"Liam" Louis calls one morning cause he was going to have his cup of tea and there weren't any tea bags, sugar or anything that Louis likes with his tea sine he was pregnant

"Yes Lou?" Liam asks as he comes waddling into the kitchen

"Where are all of the tea bags and the sugar?" Louis asks as he opens the cupboards to show that they were all bare and there weren't a tea bag to be found in the house for Louis to have his morning tea like he does every morning when he has his breakfast 

"I'm sorry I didn't get any when I was out the last time i shopped I must of forgot to pick them up by mistake I am sorry Lou" Liam says as he goes over to make himself some warm milk to drink that morning since it was quite chilly outside that morning

"Liam why didn't you pick some tea up last time you shopped you know I like to have my tea every morning" Louis says as he yells at Liam for not getting any tea bags or anything else that Louis has with his tea sometimes that he is pregnant cause since he was pregnant he would put different spices in his tea ti make taste good and no so bland    

"Well sorry I will get it next time I go shopping for groceries for the house" Liam tells Louis

"I better do the grocery shopping from now on cause a certain someone forgets to pick something up" Louis says as he continues to raise his voice at Liam cause he was really mad that he could have his tea that morning and he was going to be a real grouch 

"Louis are you okay?" Liam asks as he watches as Louis collapse onto the floor

"I think I am in labor cause all of the yelling that i did at you put me right into labor so don't just stand there you fool all an ambulance or something so we can get to the hospital" Louis says as he yells at Liam some more cause all of the yelling that Louis did at Liam before for the tea put him right into labor

"Louis I am sorry for not getting the tea and the sugar for you I should of knew better then to do that to you especially when you are pregnant with out beautiful little daughter" Liam says as he apologizes to Louis over and over gain for not getting the tea and the sugar as well  

"Just call the damn ambulance Liam before i have the baby in the kitchen" Louis says to him some more

Soon Liam holds his stomach like Louis was doing as he was calling the paramedics to come to the house to take him and Louis to the hospital so they could have their girls 


"GET THIS THING OUT OF ME NOW" Louis says cause he was in the middle of a hard contraction

"Hang on Mr. Paynlinson we will have to check you first then you can have that beautiful baby" the nurse says as she checks Louis as soon as he was brought into the hospital 

The nurse checks Louis as he was on the stretcher

"Get him up to delivery cause he is going to be delivering soon" the nurse tells the paramedics who had Louis who still wasn't in a very good mood at all

'I WILL JUST WALK THERE T HANK YOU VERY MUCH"  Louis says as the paramedics put him down so he could walk the rest of the way to maternity so he could have the baby 

The nurse checks Liam as he was brought into the emergency room as well

"He can make it up to maternity" the nurse tells the paramedics who had Liam on their stretcher 

(Much later)

"Hi Johannah I'm your mommy" Louis says as he holds little Johannah in his arms after he had delivered her cause he didn't want no one in the room when he had the baby

The baby continued to coo up her mommy as she was being held

"Are you talking huh pretty girl?" he asks as he rocks her gently in his arms 

The baby was focused on Louis the whole time 

"Little Johannah Georgia Paynlinson welcome to the world baby. I promise I will never yell at you for anything" he says as the baby started to settle down on her own cause she was fed by mommy as mommy cleaned her up 

Louis was memorized by Johannah that he didn't see the nurses come into the room to see about Johannah and take care of her

"Sorry Mr. Paynlinson we have to take care of the baby" the nurse says as she takes Johannah away from Louis

"Get away from us" he snarls at the nurse cause he wanted to take care of his baby girl himself 

The nurse takes it in stride and waits for Louis to be done so they could take care of the baby 

(Liam's room)

"Okay Mr. Paylinson one more push" the doctor says from the end of the bed where he was delivering the baby

Liam pushed until he felt Andrea slip from him

"Hi baby" Liam says when he sees little Andrea for the first time after he had delivered her

Andrea cried up a storm 

"Oh Andrea Jacklin it's okay your with mommy" he says as he soothes her as he dried her off

Liam got to cut her cord before she was taken away to be cleaned off


"Is that Johannah?" Liam asks Louis

"Yeah" Louis says as he holds her after the nurses had to knock him out for a little bit so they could take care of the baby 

"She is darling" Liam says when he sees her

"I know isn't she" Louis says to Liam

V & C

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