Heat delivery

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Okay this one all of the boys will be pregnant and it will take place during the Kansas city concert

Liam, Harry, Louis and Niall were all nine months pregnant and we're overdue with their babies so they were miserable as can be for being nine months pregnant, and every time that they did a show they were scared that they will go into labor

"How is your little one doing Liam?" Harry asks him as they head for the meet and great part of the tour

"Doing good sleeping right now which is a good sign" Liam says as they continue to walk to the meet and greet which isn't that far

"That's good my little one is doing gymnastics inside of me" Niall says to the others as he carries his guitar with him cause they were going to be heading to stage

"Mine is kicking up a storm in my belly" Louis says as he drives the golf cart with all of the guys on it cause if they walk long distances they might go into labor and that won't be good at all

Harry was eating something cause his little one was hungry and needed fed as well

(After meet and greet)

"Harry are you feeling okay?" Liam asks when he sees Harry holding his stomach

"Yeah just a cramp is all I will be fine" Harry says as they head to get ready for the show

"Baby daddy has to have his guitar on" Niall says to his stomach cause his little one did not want the guitar on his stomach at all

Niall was able to get his little one to settle down, so he could put on his guitar to go out on stage

"Good baby" Niall says as he continues to talk to his baby as they waited to on stage that night to perform for the fans

Almost halfway through the concert Harry started to get those pains again in his stomach area and they were stronger then ever

"Harry why are you sweating like a race horse?" Liam asks him

"Why are you Liam?" Harry asks as he gets his breathing under control, so he could continue to perform for the fans that night

"We will be right back" Niall says as he guides all three of his band mates and himself off stage cause he was experiencing pains as well and he knew all of them had to get to the hospital to deliver their babies cause they did not want the fans to see them in pain at all

"Guys we have to get to the hospital" Harry says to the guys as they were backstage

"Yeah I think so too cause I think all four of us are in labor" Liam says as he motions to security to have the paramedics come backstage to get the boys so they could head to the hospital to have the babies

"I don't think i am going to make it to the hospital cause I think the baby is coming now" Harry says as he slides down the wall cause he felt a lot of pressure building up in him

"Harry can you hold it in a little longer?" Niall asks as he sits by Harry

Harry shakes his head no

"Well it looks like one of the babies are going to be born backstage in this heat" Liam says as Louis as he picks up Harry and carries him to the dressing room so he could deliver one of the babies

"Yeah it looks like it" Niall says as the paramedics come to see Harry cause they heard one of the band members were in labor and they had to get to the hospital in time

All four of the guys were doing their breathing exercises. Harry was fighting pushing cause he didn't want to end up delivering in the ambulance

"Louis how far apart are your contractions?" Liam ask him

"Plenty far apart, so I just started labor" Louis says as he grabs all of the bags from the dressing room, so the group could head to the hospital for delivery

Louis was able to ride in the vehicle that the band came in to the hospital while the others were in the ambulances experiencing contractions and cursing at the paramedics and probably getting ready to deliver the first baby

"Steven punch it this one is getting closer to delivering" the one paramedic says after he had checked Harry to see if the baby was getting close to being born

Steven hit the pedal to the metal and sped towards the hospital to have Harry deliver there

(Liam ambulance)

"Mr Payne you have quite a way to go with your little one" the paramedic says to him after he was checked to see where the baby was located at

Liam was grateful that he wasn't delivering yet and he had to go through the pain of the contractions still

(Niall's ambulance)

Niall is talking Irish the whole time cause he was feeling the contractions a lot

"Mr. Horan I'm afraid you might have a c section" the paramedic says to him

"Why?" Niall asks him

"You are having twins" the paramedic says as she felt two babies in Niall

Niall continued to talk Irish cause he didn't know that he was having twins at all and he only knew about the one baby that he was carrying


"Man that was a tough one" Louis says as he fought the curse words from his mouth cause he did not want cuss when he was in labor at all cause that was going to be bad in general

"How far apart are they now?" Paul asks Louis

"Still plenty far enough apart I can handle it for a while" Louis says as he takes a sip of his water cause he was thirsty

"That's good" Paul says to him

"Yeah I'm tough Harry is is probably delivering, Liam is getting close to delivering, Niall is close to be being dilated enough that he can have the babies, and I'm just starting labor" Louis says as they pull into the hospital

V & C

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