Louis went to the slammer

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Okay i was asleep when this happened, and when i woke up this morning i saw that Louis was arrested for protection Ellie. He was a knight in shining armour and protected her from the crazy fans that can get out of control or they just don't care at all. Some fans just need to give their idols their space and don't wait to see their idol come back from holiday and GET A HOBBY OR DO HOME IMPROVEMENT OR GO ON AN ADVENTURE TO SEE WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR TOWN I AM SURE SOMETHING IS HAPPENING EVERY DAY WHERE YOU LIVE LIKE I DID tonight cause there was bad wreck and i went to see it instead of waiting for tweets or something from my idols cause i am not one to stock my idols i just have their twitters up on my computer and my laptop and they are listed below

Kevin McHale from glee

Logan Henderson fro BTR 

Louis & Niall from 1D 

I have their twitters up on my computer for good luck and one day last year i got Louis's twitter up for good luck little did i know i was going to need it (That is saved for another time). Paps on the other hand go out and look for other celebrities to take photos of and get the juice on or go make Trump pissed off for all i care just give them their space, and don't be there 24/7 cause that is just wrong in my book and that papa got what he deserved for following Louis around like a long lost puppy from the time he leaves the plane to the time he gets in the car to head to where he lives or something along those lines

Louis defended Briana before little Freddie came along, and once Freddie was born he turned into papa bear and protected Freddie at all cost and he was not going to let any of the paps get near Freddie and if Freddie was caught with Louis he was covered when he was a newborn, and when Freddie got older Louis kept Freddie close to him so he would not have to go through that, and i remember the video where Louis put an upset Freddie in the car and he told the pap to have respect for Freddie and that was papa bear coming out to protect his cub. Louis always protects his family when he is back home in Doncaster and only lets the fans see certain parts of his life.

Louis should not have to go to the slammer for this at all he should be given a warning or community service i just hope the judge sees the incident the way it was and not what happened with Louis and the fans and the fans get the book thrown at them for doing that 

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