Larry: Twitcam baby

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Request sent in by @thekoalapanda I hope you like it

Harry and Louis were so glad when they came out of the closet and told their fans that they were gay and that they were going together as well. After a few months Louis proposed to Harry and Harry said yes to marrying Louis and the boys were quiet happy for them after a year almost two years of marriage Louis found out some exciting news that he could not wait to Harry

"Lou bear I'm home" Harry says as he comes into their flat that they had

"In the kitchen babe" Louis says to him as he was preparing the meal that he was going to tell him the news

Harry smelled the delicious dinner that Louis was cooking

"Lou are we having a baby?" Harry asks when he sees the cake that Louis had made up at the local bakery

"Yes Harry I'm pregnant" Louis says excitedly to him

Harry was over the moon that they were going to have a baby after all of this time

"Harry please not too hard" Louis says as Harry spins him around cause Harry was excited to be a dad

"Sorry Lou bear" Harry says to him

"Should we tell the fans?" Louis asks him

"Yes we must tell them, but wait till after dinner, so we can show them the bump" Harry says when he sees the bump that started to appear on Louis 

"Yes cause I think the baby wants some of this delicious food that I have prepared" Louis says as he makes up a plate for himself and for Harry

"If the baby wants more he or she can have more cause we have to feed mommy" Harry says as he kisses Louis as they sit down to dinner that night

"Thanks Harry" Louis says as he kisses him back

(After dinner)

"Ready to tell the fans?" Harry asks Louis

"Ready as I'll ever be" Louis says as he sits down besides Harry after he had to take one of his prenatal vitamins so the baby could be healthy and continue to grow the way it should

"That's good" Harry says as he starts the twitcam up, so they could let everyone know the news of what was going on with their favorite couple that they predicted will end up together

"Are we live?" Louis asks as he gets up to gt some crackers just in case he had a nausea spell

"I think we are" Harry says when he sees the questions come pouring in

"Hi everyone Harry and Louis here, and we have a very exciting announcement that we want to tell you" Louis says as he eats a cracker cause he felt the nausea come onto him

"Yes we do, and we are going to play a guessing game to figure out what our news is, and whoever gets it right gets a follow from both of us on our twitter account" Harry says as he starts to read t he guesses that were pouring in by the second with what the news was

"No everyone we ain't getting a dog or a cat" Louis says to the camera as they continue to try to guess what the announcement was

"We might be adopting are we adopting Louis?" Harry asks him

"Started the paperwork way before we found out the latest news" Louis says to Harry

"Yes everyone we are having a baby" Harry says when he reads the newest guess that came onto the screen that night

"I am starting to show already" Louis says as he shows everyone the bump that he had

"Ah" Harry says when he sees the small bump that Louis had

"We might do a gender reveal one we don't know yet, so send us in your guesses and the ones that are right will get a follow from us" Louis says to the camera before Harry ends it

"I can't believe it we are adopting and having a baby all at the same time" Harry says to him

"Yes the one we are adopting is a two year girl from the orphanage down the street and the paperwork is going through on her" Louis says to him

"At least we get to have some practice with a little one before the baby comes" Harry says to him

"Yes we will and I can't wait to get her" Louis says as he looks at the picture that the orphanage gave them of the little girl

(Three months later)

"Ready to tell everyone what we are having?" Harry asks Louis

"Ready as ever" Louis says as he brings in the two year old that was a little shy that they have gotten a month before they have found out what they were having

"Do you have the cupcakes that have the reveal?" Harry asks him

"Yes and I have Louise plate as well for her to have her cupcake" Louis says as he sets the plate down and gets a cupcake out for the little girl 

Louise sits by papa cause she was close to him and felt safe with him

"Hi everyone we are going to announce the gender of the baby, so send us in your questions for Louis and he will tell you how he has been feeling through his pregnancy while I change little Louise" Harry says as Louise tugs at his shirt and that tells him that she needs a new diaper on

Louis was answering questions the best that he could about how his pregnancy has been so far

"Okay are we ready to see what we are having?" Harry asks as he takes a cupcake as well

"Yes the suspense is killing me" Louis says to him as the three take a bite of the cupcake that they had

Louis was over the moon when he saw purple in the middle of the cupcake

"Well we are having a girl" Harry says as he shows the fans the purple that was inside of his cupcake

"We will be letting everyone know how the rest of the pregnancy goes, on twitter and then we have to try to tell you how everything goes after we start tour" Louis says to the fans

"Yes keep following our twitters for updates on the pregnancy and the birth as well" Harry says to the fans before he signs off case they had to go pack and get ready for tour

(Several months later)

"Louis are you ready for our interview?" Harry asks as he grabs Louise

"Ready I'll ever be" Louis says as he tries to hide the pains that he was having cause the baby was getting close to coming and he didn't want Harry to know that he had started labor


"Harry we need to go to the hospital" Louis says to him when he felt the contractions come closer together

"Why?" Harry asks him

"Cause I'm in a lot of pain and I want to get out of here before my water breaks" Louis says to him

"Okay let's go" Harry says as he signals for the others to follow him 

Louis gave birth to a healthy baby girl

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