Narry: Everyone pregnant

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Request sent in by @parkhaae1807 I hope it is okay and is what you want

"How are our girls doing Niall?" Harry asks as he rubs his belly

"Right on schedule to come, so they might come early or they might come late depending on how they are" Niall says as he rubs his bump where the girls are being good

"The boys are up there ripping each other apart" Harry says as he hears the twins fight again

"I am glad we gave them their own rooms when they found out that they were both pregnant and their little ones can be kept with them" Niall says with a chuckle

"I am glad I am only having one baby" Harry says as he looks at his bump

"Who would of thought our kids will be having kids, and we will be having three new babies ourselves" Niall says to him

"Never was it devil when you were pregnant with the boys?" Harry asks him

"Yeah they were always fighting about something" Niall says as he looks back on his first pregnancy that he had

"Even when they were older they still fought like cats and dogs" Harry tells Niall

"Yeah they did" Niall says as he gets up cause he had to use the loo cause the girls were pushing on papa's bladder

"Niall we have quiet a storm coming towards us" Harry says as he checks his phone

"Oh great" Niall says to him

Harry decides to head upstairs to see what the trouble was with the twins

"Aiden and Andreas Horan-Styles what is all of the trouble?" Harry asks as he comes up to see what the twins were fighting about now

"Andreas is using the bathroom and I got to go really bad dad" Aiden says to him

"I can see if I can hurry him along" Harry says as he knocks on the door to the bathroom to see if Andreas can come out of the bathroom

"Is everything okay?" Niall asks as he comes up to see what was going on

"Just Andreas is hogging the bathroom is all" Harry says as he sees if Andreas was done cause Aiden had to go

"Okay" Niall says as he sits down

"Papa are you okay?" Aiden asks him

"I think your sisters might want to come early and meet their brothers" Niall says to Aiden as he holds his stomach

"Finally" Aiden says as he heads into the bathroom cause he really had to go and he wasn't going to hold it much longer

As Andreas was coming out of the bathroom and Aiden was going in they ended up bumping into each other

"Aiden watch where you going" Andreas says as he yells at his brother

"Never mess with a pregnant person when they have to go to the bathroom" Aiden says as he uses the bathroom

"Andreas are you okay?" Harry asks as he gets down to his level to check on him

"I think I might be in labor dad" Andreas says when he was hit by a contraction

"Okay Andreas do your breathing techniques that we learn in class" Harry says as he helps Andreas breathe as he helps him to one of the labor rooms that was set up cause the boys were going to have the babies separate from each other

"It hurts dad" Andreas says as they head for the room

"I bet it does" Harry says as he calls Andreas partner to tell him that the babies were coming and he needed to get over tot he house to watch as the babies come into this world

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