Zouis: Two more surprises

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This request was sent in by@ZJMLWT I hope it is okay and sorry if it is late and if it might be short 

Zayn and Louis Malik were over the moon that they were going to be giving their three year old Melody and their one year old daughter Elsa a sibling, and they were ore shock that they were going to be having twins instead of one baby

"Melody would you like a snack" Louis calls to her cause he was home while Zayn was out and about getting a bigger vehicle just in case they wanted to add to the family later and there was plenty of room for car seats and for the girls to be moved if they wanted to sit some place else in the vehicle

"Yes papa" Melody says as she comes into the kitchen to be with papa as he was fixing her a snack 

"Okay take a seat at your table and I will give you a snack" he says as he was going to see about Elsa since she was not feeling well at all and she was feeling under the weather completely 

Melody does what she is told and takes a seat as she waits on her snack that papa was going to give to her

"Good girl" Louis says as he comes in with Elsa who was very clingy to papa as he was holding her close to him 

Melody was going to help papa since papa could not do much


"I think daddy is home" Louis tells the girls when he heard the door open 

Melody loved her daddy a lot and she was a daddy girl like Elsa was a papa's girl 

"Louis the doctor called me and he wants us to go to the hospital to be induced" Zayn says to Louis as he was getting everything that they need

"Well i guess i might as well go" Louis says as he gets up cause he could not get off the couch without help from Zayn

"Besides he is a little concern about one of the babies" Zayn says to Louis as they were heading to the hospital to see what was going on since they were expecting a girl and a boy and they were concerned about the little girl the most right now 

Louis started to get scared as they were heading to the hospital to get induced and to see what was going on 


"Hi Louis the reason why you are here is I am concerned about the little girl" the doctor says as they were brought into the ultrasound room 

Louis lifted up his shirt

"There we go her brothers are over taking her right now so you are going to be having these babies sometime tonight or tomorrow sometime" the doctor says when he saw two more babies on the screen    

"I am having quads/" Louis asks the doctor

"Yes we need to deliver them so we can take care of the baby girl that is being squished by her brothers" the doctor tells him as Louis goes up to labor and delivery so he could have the babies and welcome them into the world 

(Labor and delivery)

"Here we are I am going to see if Niall can take the girls" Zayn tells Louis

"Okay that will be best cause i don't them to see me like a different person" Louis tells Zayn as Zayn went to call Niall as Louis got comfortable cause he was going to get medicine to get labor started and he could have the quads 

(The next day)

"Okay Louis you are fully dilated so go ahead and push" the doctor says as he got into position to catch the first baby 

Louis started to push and squeezing Zayn's hand as well cause he was tired of being in pain and he wanted to meet the babies and hold them in his arms 

"Good Louis I see the first head" the doctor tells him as Louis was having the first baby 

Louis pushed until the first baby was out

"It's a boy dad would you like to do the cord?" the doctor asks Zayn

Zayn cut the cord of the first boy as Louis was able to rest between births 

"Okay Louis the second baby is in position and is ready to be so go ahead and push" the doctor tells Louis when he saw the head of the next baby come into view

Louis went back to pushing and squeezing Zayn's hand

"Louis can you take it easy?' Zayn asks him as Louis was pushing with all of his might to have the babies

"Zayn shut it you did this to me so suffer" Louis says as he was still pushing the next baby out

"Okay baby two is a boy" the doctor says as he holds up the next baby

"I hope our little girl comes soon" Louis says as he was panting cause having two babies wore him out already

"Okay Louis the third baby is ready so push" the doctor tells him

Louis went back to pushing the third baby out

"Louis you will have to push harder the third baby is coming out backwards but good news your girl is going to be born" the doctor tells him

Louis was happy that he was going to see his little angel 

"Go Lou" Zayn says as he got behind Louis to help him with his labor cause he could see that Louis was starting to get tired from the births and he was going to rest after all this was over 

Louis gave it his all until the third baby the baby girl was out

"Baby c is a girl" the doctor says as he holds up the third baby quick for Louis and Zayn to see cause she needed care cause she was on the small side right now and her brothers were crowding her a lot and she was going to need care 

"Hi baby doll" Louis says when he saw the baby for a brief minute before she was taken away to get taken care of

Zayn cut her cord as well 

"Okay one last push and the last baby will be here" the doctor tells Louis

Louis pushed until the last baby slipped from him 

"Baby D is a boy congrats guys" the doctor says as Zayn cut the last cord of the babies


Louis was holding the boys while Zayn went to get the girls to let them know that they had three new brothers and one new sister that was going to stay in the hospital for a while to get taken care of and won't be home until later

V & C  

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