6: Mila- Wooed By His Smile

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clear some things up with a cup of coffee

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clear some things up with a cup of coffee


I WAS FUMING. It honestly surprised me I didn't have actual steam coming out of my ears.

The anger that coursed through my veins made my heart beat fast and grit my teeth.

What a fucking asshole...

I was angry at myself for even thinking Renzo was a good guy.

My entire mood was ruined for the day. What a great start it was until I really saw for myself what kind of guy Renzo was.

After slapping him across the face, I had decided to go to the nearby coffee-slash-bookshop named "Book Above!", which was located off-campus, to clear my mind.

Although it had a terrible pun as a name, the coffee/book shop was well known for its variety of book selections and, of course, their coffee, especially their dark roast.

"I'll have an iced Cappuccino along with a chocolate chip muffin please," I went up to the register, needing some sugar in my system. After the terrible morning, I've had, I definitely deserved this treat for myself.

"All right," the cashier smiled, but actually looked like she wanted to kill everyone near her vicinity. "That will be $6.53 please."

I hand her the money and go to sit near the window. Just as I was about to bite into my muffin, the chair in front of me becomes occupied.

"I want to clear some misunderstandings." The voice stated.

I look up and see that it is Renzo.

What a coincidence. I roll my eyes at the thought.

"I told you not to come near me," I place my muffin down, already pissed that he disrupted my eating.

"Sorry," he noticed the glare. "I'll be quick."

"You're not being any quicker than you are right now." I crossed my arms.

"You're not being any polite than you were before." He countered.


"Never mind," Renzo stood up. "If you're going to be narrow-minded, then I don't think explaining would make any difference to you."

"Sit down," I make eye contact with him. "Let me hear your so-called explanation."

"No," he said. "I don't know why I thought you would actually listen to me."

"Renzo," I said. "Stop being so whiny and give me your explanation."

"I see someone's snappy," Renzo clicked his tongue. I could tell I was getting on his nerves. His jaw was ticking and he kept messing with his hair. He made sure to hide it as not even a second later, he sits back down with a careful look on his face as if he was waiting for me to yell at him again.

"Yeah," I answered. "Because you're acting like a child right now, and I honestly don't want to deal with that."

"Sorry," he noticed I wasn't playing around and went straight to the point. "I really just came here to tell you that."

"Sorry?" I repeated, feeling the word roll on my tongue. "Why are you apologizing to me?"

"I just felt like I had to." Renzo shrugged nonchalantly. "I didn't mean to hurt you, truly."

"I don't care," I quickly became fed up with his words. The constant secrets and regrets were weighing on my mind, starting from Renzo getting one of my closest friends pregnant all the way to me being ready to jump him. Even after knowing how much of a shitty person he is to others, I still couldn't help but want to believe his sincerity.

"Yes, you do, Mila." He rests his elbows on the table, watching my face.

"Just leave okay?" I slammed my hands on the table. "Emily obviously can't raise a child without the father so just go to her."

"Emily?" Renzo had an expression of confusion. "I've been meaning to ask, but when did I get a girl pregnant?"

"You're seriously the biggest dick I've ever met in my entire life. Emily. The girl who is pregnant with your child. Take some responsibility, for God's sake."

"It's not my child."

"Like honestly, you should be—wait, what?"

"It's not my child Mila," he said again, this time with a clear voice. "I always make sure I have safe sex."

"Then whose is it?" I wasn't convinced at all, rolling my eyes. If not him, who else could it be? Emily clearly told me the guy's name was Enzo, which was the name Renzo went by.

"How could I possibly know? I've never seen that girl until this morning, so I really have no clue why you think I got her pregnant." He broke off a piece of my muffin, but before he could steal another bite, I brought the plate towards my body. He also took my cup and sipped from it.

"Hey!" I tried getting my cappuccino back.

"I mean, who knows?" He leaned back, my drink still in his hand. "She got pregnant because of my good looks."

"That's quite narcissistic, don't you think?" I scoffed, unable to believe he could say those words with such confidence.

"I can't help girls want to have sex with me." He cockily said. "It's just a matter of fact that I didn't have sex with your friend."

"That's not my point here, Renzo." I was finally able to get my drink back when he set it down. Only to see that it was finished. "If you're not the father, then who the hell is it?"

"Mila," Renzo leaned back in his chair once more. "You do know that there are other Enzo's at this university, right?"

"Of course, I do." I frowned.

"Then you would obviously know that there is an Enzo Lahey in a year below us?" He slowly spoke, trying to prove his point.

"Emily is also..." I trail off. "Fuck."

"See?" He smiled. "Wrong Enzo."

"Fuck," I gasp. My hands went to my mouth. "I'm so so sorry. I slapped you earlier, and I thought that you were a complete bastard. I'm so sorry, Renzo."

"It's alright," he waved off. "I will accept your apology, but only for one condition."

"What?" I notice his lips tug up. I knew it in my bones, what he had to say next would shake up the perfectly crafted life I was living.

"Go out with me on a date."

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