8: Mila- Misinterpreted

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reality checks and misconceptions

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reality checks and misconceptions


WHEN I LEFT the café about an hour later after Enzo told me he had to go, I went straight to Ellie's house, or her apartment specifically.

"Hey," I open the door to her apartment with the key she's given me beforehand. "What's up?"

"Nothing much really," Ellie didn't look the least bit surprised when I set my stuff down near her coffee table. She was munching on chips and at the same time was typing something on her laptop. "Just finishing my essay for philosophy. What about you?"

"Don't even get me started," I dramatically sigh. "I just came back from having coffee with Renzo Atienza."

"That's great!" Ellie looked up and gave me a knowing grin. "He was basically eating you up at that party too. How'd it go?"

"Ellie," I turn on her T.V. and settle on the couch. "That sounds objectifying as hell."

"I get that you think that it sounds objectifying, but it's really not. He could just simply like you. Stop making it so complicated."

"Says the Humanities major," I laugh.

"Shut up Mila," Ellie set down her laptop beside her. "I'm being serious. This has nothing to do with Humanities, so just listen to what I have to say. Don't be so off-putting all the time."

"That's mean," I pouted, skipping through multiple channels.

"Because I need to get it through your mind that not all guys are after your money. Besides, I'm pretty sure the kid isn't Renzo's." Ellie turned the T.V. off and stood in front of me. "You need to get over the past. Not everyone is like him."

"I know you're right." I let out a deep sigh. "I really do, it's just that I don't want to get hurt again. You know what happened to me after our breakup..."

"Mila," Ellie sat down next to me, taking a hold of my hand. "Do you trust me?"

"What kind of question is that?" I chuckle. "You're my best friend. I'll always trust you."

"So then believe me when I say that Renzo seems like a good guy." She smiles.

"You sound as if you've met him before." I suspiciously eye her.

"Well," Ellie moved around, changing her position. "Seth and I have been talking."

"Really?" I sat up. "No way, that's amazing!"

"Yeah," she smiled shyly. "He's really nice."

"I'm so happy for you," I squeeze her hand. "You deserve it, you've been stressing like crazy, so Seth is a good way for you to be happy."

"Thanks, Mila," Ellie placed her head on my shoulder. "It's just that I want you to be happy as well. Seriously, believe me when I say that Renzo is a good guy."

"Fine," I pat her head. "I'll talk to him."

"I knew you couldn't resist me," she grinned mischievously.

"Shut up," I push her off. Ellie's face planted onto the floor and glared at me. I start laughing and hold on to the arm of the couch for support.

"You sound like a witch," Ellie got up and brushed her pants. "A cackling witch."

"You just realized that?" I smirk. "C'mon you should know me better than that."

"You're such a bitch Mila," Ellie can't keep her smile contained and tackles me, hugging the life out of me. "This is why you're my best friend."

"Get off me," I shove her, but to my disappointment, she doesn't budge. Ellie only tightens the hug in response.

"It'll be okay, Mila," she became serious. "I swear, Seth told me that Renzo is a nice person."

"I believe you," I finally was able to breathe after Ellie loosened her grip. "It's just that I need time, I can't dive in headfirst without testing the water, you know?"

"Take all the time you need," she stood up and went into her kitchen. "I just want you to be happy. That's it."

"I am Ellie," I take the can of beer from her hand, opening it easily. "Renzo is just a guy that seems well off as a friend to me."

"Mila," Ellie took a sip as well from her can. "Seth told me that Renzo is crazy about you. And I know you are too."

"So what difference does that make?" I rolled my eyes. Just because our feelings were mutual didn't mean I could abandon all reason. There was more on the line here. My mom, the company, graduation.

"See!" She pointed at me. "That look! Stop acting like you don't care!"

"Chill," I chuckled, losing my expression from before. "I really don't get what you're trying to say here. Didn't you just tell me that you want me to be happy?"

"I did," Ellie sat back down next to me on the couch.

"Well, I am happy," I bring up my knee and put one leg over the other. "I'm happy being single, so why are you trying to set me up with Renzo?"

"Fine," Ellie grunted. "I won't bother you about it anymore."

"See? Was that so hard to let go?" I raise my can at her.

"I seriously hate you sometimes," she pursed her lips, but still clinked her can of beer with mine.

"I love you too," I see the T.V. remote and turn it on to see that there was a movie marathon going on. "Why did you waste my time about Renzo when we could've been watching Scott Eastwood movies?"

Ellie didn't say anything and just laughed at my obsession with the actor.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Nothing," I turn the volume up. "You don't have to do absolutely anything."

And at that moment, I reveled in the surroundings of my best friend's apartment; with her decor that was mostly chosen by me and the beer that we drank—which was slowly becoming stale because of us fangirling over Scott Eastwood—along with that, a certain guy who somehow wormed its way inside my head.

Maybe he could change it around for me. Maybe he couldn't. There was too much on the line, and I wasn't sure if I could make room for someone in my life at the moment. My mind was racing and my heart was pounding at the idea of calling Renzo, my boyfriend. It had been a while, and after everything that crashed and burned in my last relationship, my trust levels were too low. I wanted to take a chance, I really did, but I was doubting myself.

Would he still like me even after knowing everything about me? Did I deserve to get into a new relationship? Mom wouldn't approve since she didn't choose him, and neither would the investors.

I sighed, the thoughts slowly consuming every crevice of my mind. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I was just purposely ignoring it to not confront my feelings.

Ellie was right. I was never really sure until I tried, so I might as well give it a shot.

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