40: Mila- New Beginnings

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where we left off

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where we left off


-Three years later-

EVERYTHING WAS A blur. I found myself back to where I started before I felt anything. Though I wasn't completely numb, some days were particularly bad whenever I fell down a rabbit-hole of remorse and anguish. Nostalgia wasn't a welcome feeling as it always tasted bitter on my tongue whenever I thought of him. It served as a constant reminder of my mistakes and too much time has passed to fix them.

I don't deserve his love.

My melancholic thoughts were interrupted when Kennedy casually strolled into my office with his signature smirk.

"I'm busy," I didn't bother looking up at him, my attention straying, but I tried to focus it on the column a writer submitted only half an hour ago.

"I think you'll like my surprise," Kennedy waved around two pieces of paper in front of my face.

"You're so annoying," I grumbled, snatching what looked like a ticket out of his hand.

"And what about it?" Kennedy pressed his elbows on the stack of paper that towered over my desk. He picked up the snow globe - which used to belong to Raina- and shook it excitedly.

"Art gallery?" I turned the ticket over, familiar with the name and exhibition title. It was his. "What's this for?"

"Enzo sent it," Kennedy set down the glass figure and trained his eyes on me. He could tell I recognized it.

"I see," I was genuinely surprised he sent us tickets. I tried to hide any indication of the deviating thoughts I had earlier that might show on my face. After he left the party, Enzo was adamant about not maintaining any contact with me. I didn't have to ask why; I knew.

Ever since our breakup, I threw myself into work right after graduation. After mom stepped down, I basically took over everything and worked hard to prove myself to others in the company. Even after three years, I still felt there was more work that needed to be done. It wasn't easy getting rid of the corrupt executives, at least it wasn't a problem anymore, thanks to Kennedy and Zeke's help, who are now founders of a security company.

"Don't act like you don't know," Kennedy rolled his eyes. "You stalk his social media all the time. He posted about his showing last week."

"I didn't see his post," I lied, of course, I saw it. I leaned back, groaning in annoyance. "I don't know how to face him either. What do I even say? 'Hey, I'm still in love with you, by the way, your pieces are amazing.'"

"A simple 'hey' would suffice, Mila." Kennedy flicked my forehead. I rubbed the spot where it was burning, but didn't retort back.

"I can't go, Kennedy." I looked out the window. I felt insignificant in a significant world.

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