17: Renzo- Clumsiness

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the most unexpected falls are caused by ignorance

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the most unexpected falls are caused by ignorance


AFTER OUR CONVERSATION, Mila went back downstairs and left me with my thoughts.

If it were another girl, I wouldn't even bother asking, but with Mila, everything was so different.

These emotions that never once popped into my mind, were now swarming with these kinds of thoughts. All with the looming question: "Am I good enough?"

The answer was a definite no, but when I was with Mila, she made me feel enough and that's what mattered. The feelings she gave me overpowered what anyone else said about us.

Getting up with a more positive outlook, I went down the spiral polished wooden stairs and swore I could see my reflection because of how clean and shiny the wood was.

As I was marveling at the wood, I accidentally missed a step and came tumbling forward, almost crashing into a vase placed next to the post.

I heard a loud gasp as I fell and landed on my forearm, feeling a burst of pain shoot up my arm.

"Enzo!" Mila came rushing to my side. She examined my now rapidly turning purple arm and gingerly touched it. "Oh god, it looks like your bone broke."

Daniel, who was standing above us, inspected it and said, "Well, we don't know for sure yet, it may have sprained or fractured. Either way, we have to take him to the doctor."

All I could do was groan in response.

Mila rubbed my back gently. "You'll be fixed up in no time. At least it was your left arm and not your right."

"I write with my left land..."

She pulled back, her eyebrows bunching. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," I grimace from the pain.

"No bro, your hand is all swollen," Daniel said, pointing to the quickly turning purple hand. My wrist look smashed and as I tried to lift to inspect it, I was crouching over again gasping at the sharp pain.

"We need to go now," Mila grabbed my right arm and slowly helped me up. She looked at Daniel, "Call an ambulance and tell everyone that the party's been canceled to tomorrow."

"On it." He took his phone out.

"Wait for a second!" Mila's mother said. "Nothing is being delayed. You will not go with him. I will not allow you to do such a thing!"

"Jesus fuck," Mila muttered under her breath. "His wrist may be shattered, and that's all you care about? And second of all, he is my boyfriend, so it is my responsibility to take care of this." Her emphasis on certain words left her mother seething, with eyes so wide I was afraid they would come out.

"We don't know if it's shattered, but I called a private doctor instead to check it out.

"That's a better option," I agreed, placing my hand over Mila's. I whispered to her, "It's okay, don't get upset. I'll be fine once they call a doctor."

She nodded, but her expression remained the same.

"I'm really sorry," she said.

"It's not your fault I fell," I laughed. "I'll get better. Don't worry."

Within a few minutes, the doorbell rang and Mila rushed to go open it, revealing a tall man with a medical bag clutched in his right hand.

"Where is the patient?" He asked Mila, who quickly ushered him into the living room.

Before she could answer, his eyes meet mine and he pauses. The world around me coming to a stop, as if everything around me froze.

I forget about the throbbing pain in my arm for a second and stare at the man. Shock registers on his face before he loses his grasp of the bag, making it thud onto the floor. His stethoscope, papers, and many more supplies lay in front of him, yet the man does not try to move.

He cautiously steps forward and I can see him shake as he approaches.

I steel myself, not knowing how to process the situation.

The man slowly comes to a stop before reaching his hand out to touch my cheek.

"You're alive..." He whispered, yet sounding like a loud echo in my ears. His eyes start to water and he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so happy you're alive Enzo." He starts to sob into my shoulder.

Before I knew it, I also started crying along with him.

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