26: Mila- Early Surprises

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to find comfort in waiting

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

to find comfort in waiting


I WOKE UP to excessive knocking coming from the front door.

"Who the fuck in their right minds would ever wake a person up this fucking early." I grumbled not caring to check what time it was.

I opened the door only to see that it was too dark to even see the person outside. 

"Mila?" The voice said. I felt the prickle of goosebumps on my arms. Was it the same man who sent the letter? Great, I probably just let the crazy psycho come into my house. Nice one, Mila. I wonder if they write, "Here lies the stupidest bitch on Earth to open the door without checking who it is," on my tombstone. 

I felt around for that steel baseball bat I had hidden just for these situations. I found it and then held it up threateningly at the person. 

"Mila?" I felt hands grab my shoulders and immediately shrugged them off. A sense of panic immediately set in, going into overdrive.

"Stay back," I kept my voice steady, ready to swing.

"What the fuck Mila? It's me, Enzo!" I don't know how he found the switch in the dark, but when he turned it on, it made me feel like the dumbest person alive to not recognize my own boyfriend's voice.

"Enzo?" I paused dropping the bat. "You stupid dumbass! You scared me to death!" I hit him furiously, but with my hands...

He caught my wrists and tightly gripped. Once he saw me slowly calm down, he let go gently. Our breaths were only heard in the empty living room along with the sound of crickets outside.

"You okay?" He gazed at me, however his eyes looked empty. "I didn't mean to scare you."

I laughed lightly. "It's fine, I've been jittery lately with all the shít that's been happening, but you know, I'll get over it."

Enzo was still analyzing my every move as I backed away from our barely touching bodies. I went to my room knowing he was following me. Once we reached my bedroom, I turned around to face Enzo, who looked really on edge.

"So," I started sitting down on my bed. "To what do I owe this visit..." I glanced over at the clock on my settee, the bright red numbers hugely contrasted my cool coloured room. "At 2:30 in the morning?"

Enzo chuckled. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before coming towards the bed and hesitated what to do afterwards.

"I had a bad dream," he uttered. No trace of identifiable emotion flickered through his face. It was as if he was trying to keep me from knowing. "I'm not here for sex just so you know. We'll wait until we're both ready. I know I'm probably rambling but I just wanted to let you know that. I'm not going to force you into anything. But yeah, my head's just not in the right place after that dream."

"Sit," I patted to the large space on the bed next to me slightly chuckling about his jumbled words. He came over and I scooted over so that he could fully sit. Although Enzo sat fully on the bed next to me, I could tell he was uncomfortable being here. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong? I'm here."

He stayed quiet. Just when he was literally babbling a few seconds ago. Enzo's eyes suddenly seemed expressionless as he stared at the ground. His posture was stiff and it looked as if someone put tape over his mouth. I sighed knowing that the best thing for me to do was to simply be there for him. If that meant waiting, I'll wait until he talks. 

No matter how long it takes.

I was drawing patterns near his spine after a while because eventually, I was somehow sitting behind him. I didn't know how much time had passed and I knew I would have trouble with going to sleep again, but with Enzo here, I started to feel drowsy. I rested my head on his back, not caring if it was painful for my neck.

At one point, I completely fell asleep on his back whilst listening to his heartbeat. I didn't feel Enzo putting my head on my pillow and pulling my comforter to my neck, but I heard shuffling and then sensed the bed dip. His arms came around my waist and pulled me to a firm chest. I snuggled deeper towards the heat and for the first time since coming back from the trip, I felt peace.


I again woke up to the feeling of someone running their hands along my back and arms. Slightly feeling ticklish, I started squirming. I heard a groan behind me and turned around to face Enzo. With a grin on my face, I pecked his cheek and rolled out of bed.

In nothing but my large sleeping shirt and panties, I walked to the bathroom pulling up my shirt a little. As I was closing the door, I heard Enzo groan again, "What a tease."

I poked my head out of the door, and stuck my lip out at him. "Only for you Enzo."

It didn't take me long to shower. Since I didn't have any morning classes today, I decided that Enzo and I could go out for breakfast and lunch later. When I came out dressed from the bathroom, I noticed that Enzo wasn't in bed. Then, the scent of waffles reached my nose. My stomach growled loudly.

I went downstairs to see Enzo in his boxers, using the pan to cook something and then finally turning off the stove. He looked focused and pursed his lips at the food.

I didn't even notice that Enzo saw me until he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me closer to his body. Our breaths were heavy and mingled.

"Hey," his voice was husky as he pressed a kiss to my lips. "I just finished making breakfast."

My eyes drifted over to the plates he had set on the table with coffee on the side.

"I could tell, it smells delicious in my house. Which is a very rare occurrence." I chuckled. My arms were loosely dangling off of Enzo's shoulders.

Enzo pulled away and then interlocked our fingers together. He looked shy as he walked me towards the amazing looking breakfast.

"Let's eat then, your breakfast awaits you highness."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes with a grin on my face.

Although Enzo coming today surprised me, I was sure that he'll tell me what happened to him yesterday in due time because I knew that I also need time to tell him about the letter.

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