14: Mila- Moments

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seconds that lead to the drastic changes

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seconds that lead to the drastic changes


MAYBE I WAS crazy.

The look on Enzo's face certainly confirmed that.

"Are you out of your mind, Milana?" My mother gasped.

Enzo also glanced at me at that moment to see if I was joking.

I wasn't.

"I'm not, I'm just saying I'd rather go only if Enzo also joins us. It is my birthday, so I should be able to decide who I want to invite."

My mother says nothing, but I know from the look on her face she's heard enough.

"Alright," she slowly lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Great!" I clap my hands, looking at both of them. I take notice of how we're still outside and grab Enzo's hand.

"Let's go. We're done here, I'll see you in the Hamptons, Mother." I lead Enzo away from her with a strength I never knew I had. After dragging him for a while, Enzo tugs on my hand.

I stop and turn.

"You okay?" He asks, easing my strong grip on his hand. He steps closer and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I-" my breath catches in my throat. "I'm sorry you had to witness that."

"It's fine, Mila." Enzo takes another step forward, leaving barely a centimeter between us.

I can hear his breath and the silence that hangs in the air is almost deafening that I grasp his arm, looking for any signs of annoyance or fear or anything that could lead to him never speaking to me ever again.

And when I see nothing but concern; that's when I break down.

Gathering me into his arms, Enzo wraps his arms around my figure and gives me the most comforting hug in my entire life.

As I'm sobbing into his neck, gripping him so tightly, I feel his lips press against my head. My heart breaking into pieces as I clutch onto him as if he was my life force. A few minutes later, I hear it: soft words of comfort and support he was whispering to calm me down.

At that moment, I felt like some type of bubble popped. Everything that was piling up finally crashing down and into the arms of this boy.

I hiccup one last time before pulling away, my arms still wrapped around his waist. Enzo smiles softly when I look up at him, even with makeup running down my face the way his eyes shine under the streetlight made my heart pound.

"You're going to get through this," he cups my cheek. Leaning in close, he kisses my forehead. "I believe in you. Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you. Never forget that, Mila."

My eyes, shiny with tears, finally crinkle with pure happiness. "I won't."


"Yes," I answer quietly. "Now kiss me."

"What?" Enzo's eyes widen in shock.

"Kiss me," I repeat, wiping my tears away.

"Let's save that for another time when your face isn't so wet and your mascara isn't running." He grins.

"I'm serious," I crack a small smile.

"I am too." He replies. "I want our kisses to be at the right times and places. Not right after you cried. As much as I want to, I can't. Especially when I could feel your heartbreaking."

I was speechless.

"I-wow..." I stutter. "That's really considerate of you Enzo."

"Not considerate," he takes my hand and squeezes it. "I just want to do this right."

"But still-"

"-but still nothing," he interrupts. "You're special and you deserve to be happy and treated like a queen. And don't argue with me on that."

I chuckle in response.

"Believe me, Mila."

"If you're saying it enough times, then I may start to actually believe you." I place my hand on his cheek, the course feel of his stubble tickling my palm.

"I will, my beautiful girl."

And at that very moment, my heart skipped a beat as the first drops of rain landed on our skin.

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