38: Mila- Tidal Wave

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nothing stays the same

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nothing stays the same


*Trigger Warning: This chapter contains description of abuse and violence*

I KNEW IT was too good to be true.

There was no way the person who took Enzo would show himself only a few hours later. Not after we've been taunted for so long. I could tell this person liked to play with others' emotions and didn't have any remorse. His lack of empathy was apparent as well when we met earlier.

As Ellie so eloquently said after I told her about our meeting, "He's a fucking sociopath."

When all four of us rushed to Enzo's place after that text message, we saw Fletcher was passed out in the middle of the hallway. He was sitting against the door with his head drooping to the side. Since it was a time where barely any people were awake, he most likely wouldn't have been found until much later after his condition was too far along to save. His face had bruises and bloodstains speckled on his shirt. I took a step back in shock when I noticed the writing on his arm, in large block letters and black ink.

"You're next, Mila.—K."

"K?" Ellie steadied me, preventing me from tripping on myself. "Do you know anyone whose name starts with that letter?"

"I don't know..." I glance at Seth and Sebastian placing Fletcher's arms around both their shoulders. They carry him inside and that's when I gasp again.

The house was completely in shambles. White ceramic littered the floor, and the furniture was in disarray. I rarely visited Enzo's place since he didn't like kicking Fletcher out whenever I came over, but I distinctly remember how he prided himself on being clean all the time.

"Why would anyone go this far?" Seth cursed when he and Sebastian gently placed Fletcher on the couch. He turned to Sebastian with a solemn look on his face. "These people shouldn't hold your dad's mistakes over you. Both of you weren't the ones who did this."

"All we can do is keep running," Sebastian took a sharp breath as if it hurt to breathe. "I'm just tired of fearing for my life. Do you think we should go to the police?"

"I think we should," Ellie looks at me for confirmation. However, I was torn. I didn't know what the next step was.

I felt responsible for involving Enzo, and now I couldn't bear to see his younger brother lose his only family member. I should've gone to the police as soon as I got those letters. It was because of me this mess progressed into a cluster fuck and now there was no way to go back. If we went, we were putting Enzo's life at risk. If we didn't, it might take more time to find him. Either way, we were running out of options.

"Hey," Ellie placed her hand on my shoulder, a concerned look on her face. "You spaced out for a second."

"Mila's not safe here," Seth crossed his arms. "I think all of us should get out of town too, I'm pretty sure we're targets. Fletcher also needs to see a doctor, but we shouldn't go to the hospital. I don't think we should go to the police. They'll hurt Enzo more if authorities get involved now."

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