12: Mila- Gazes and Glares

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the look on one's face says it all

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the look on one's face says it all


I WAS STILL breathless when I walked into my home. Feeling the pulsation and beating of heart raging inside my chest made me slide against the door to the floor. I sat there and held my chest, taking deep breaths to calm myself.

I was out of this world ecstatic.

From the way I was reacting from his kiss, it took me back to when I was a teenager having her first crush.

Enzo made me feel like a teenager again, and I couldn't be any happier.

I walked inside and placed my keys on the kitchen counter. I look out to see the bright city skyline from the penthouse floor and marvel at the sight of lights.

I lived for this.

The city. Its smell. Its lights. Its cars. Everything.

I knew that if I were to lose myself in this scenery, I would never want to go back.

Everything about the skyline I saw from the window gave me a sense of comfort I've never felt before. Not even my mother gave me that kind of safe feeling.

I sighed and went to my room to change, knowing that thinking about her would only make me feel worse.

Maybe. Just maybe that feeling about mother will pass, but that's not likely until I'm dead.


The next morning, I woke up in a surprisingly good mood. Memories of yesterday's date flooded into my head and I felt my cheeks warm.

I wasn't the only one in a good mood when I came to class later. Sitting next to Vivian, I noticed her bright red cheeks.

"Someone's in a good mood," I grin at her, flipping open my textbook.

Vivian was a friend of mine since the beginning of college. Both of us being in the same major, we immediately hit it off and have been close friends ever since.

"Don't wanna talk about it Mila," she groaned, dropping her head on the textbook. "Guys are assholes..."

"You just realized that?" I chuckle, taking my things out. "They are Grade A assholes."

"But fuck, they're less expensive than Grade A organic eggs." Vivian laughed, her shoulders shaking in amusement.

"Yeah, but they're definitely less healthy." I agreed, confused at the direction the conversation was heading towards.

"Oh my God, true!" Her voice shot up, startling the professor. She made eye contact with him and their gazes were as if they were locked on another. She sighed and dropped her eyes to look at her notes.

"Viv," I nudge her.


"Are you and—" I let my statement trail off. Vivian moved fast.

"—Dr. Lincoln a thing?" She finished, there wasn't any detectable fear on her face either. "Yeah, we are... Please don't tell anyone."

"No wonder he's looking over here," I tease her.

Vivian almost jumped out of her seat. Checking if he was looking, she noticed me trying to cover up my laughter. "Funny, Mila. Real funny."

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." I copied the sentence Dr. Lincoln wrote on the chalkboard.

"Yeah, of course, you couldn't." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm kidding, chill." I laughed at her expression.

Right at that moment, Dr. Lincoln calls our names.

"Ms. Finley and Ms. Cruz, do you have anything to share with the class?" His glare was sharp, cutting through us as if we were butter.

"No," Vivian replied. "We don't sir." The way she said 'sir' seemed to influence the 30-something-year-old man since he couldn't keep his eyes off on her lips as she spoke...

He turned back around, snapping out of his daze, and cleared his throat. "Both of you will stay after."

"Yes, sir," Vivian smirked.

I punched her, getting her innuendo. "Shut up, people will notice."

"Let them," she whispered. I shook my head at her stupidity.

Throughout the rest of the class, we don't talk about her and Dr. Lincoln. Nonetheless, at the end of class, we approach his desk.

"Let this not happen again, ladies. Understand?" He laced his fingers together, resting his elbows on the mahogany desk.

We both nod, and we're just about to leave when Dr. Lincoln calls Vivian's name.

She looks at me and winks before she goes back. I shake my head once more and leave the classroom.

Walking through the hall, I check my texts I see that Enzo texted me earlier asking if we could hang out.

I call him instead of texting back; Enzo picks up right away.

"Hey, did you get my text?" He asks.

"Yeah, I did."

"So when are you free?" Enzo's voice became loud. I pulled the phone away from my ear and didn't catch what he said after that.


"Sorry," his voice turned normal. "Seth decided to fucking blast music in our apartment."

"That's fine, but I'm free around the afternoon? I'm not sure," I answer him.

"Okay, I can work with that." I hear the amusement in his voice.

I chuckle and say, "Well, you'll have to if you're going to deal with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Also, wear something comfortable."

"Like t-shirt and jeans comfortable?" I ask, mentally going through my closet to check if I have a loose t-shirt I can match with my favorite pair of jeans.

"Yeah," he said. "I'll pick you up around five o'clock, okay?"

"Alright," I rummage through my bag and take out my books for my next class. "I'll see you then."

I hang up and walk into my next lecture, preparing myself for the next boring two hours.

Well, at least I get to see Enzo right after, the thought creating butterflies in my stomach.

For once, I was actually excited to go back home.

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