20: Mila- Exposing Dualities

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come what may there's always an answer

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come what may there's always an answer


"EXCUSE ME?" MY mother sneered. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me, mother," I gritted out. "Enzo is my boyfriend and nothing is going to change that."

Enzo gripped my hand tightly, and I could feel his palms start to sweat. Or maybe that was me...

"Milana, this is not the time to go declare things that aren't true." She insisted.

I couldn't help but balk. I stared in awe at my mother and felt my jaw go slack.

"You're honestly joking right now," I said, feeling my voice tremble from the anger.

"Milana, you cannot expect me to believe that you've started 'slumming it'." She air quoted. "As your mother, I will not tolerate you going rock bottom like this."

Enzo stilled and slowly tried to untangle our fingers, but I held on with no intention of letting go. If anything, I squeezed it so hard, I noticed him slightly flinch.

"Mother," I began. From the corner of my eye, I could see everyone whispering and glance at us. I saw Daniel leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his mother approaching him. I then see a mass of people circling around us. Mother notices this too and grabs my arm and drag me outside. I don't struggle, but I feel Enzo's hand slipping away and I can't help but want to go back to him.

I'm dragged to the garden until my mother lets go and propels me forward to the bushes. I almost fall and feel myself grabbing at the air before I find my balance. "What was that for?" I sneered.

"I do not appreciate that tone you have with me. Stop while you're ahead Milana, or else."

"Mother," I take a step forward. "Please just explain to me what the hell is going on. Why don't you like him? Enzo makes me happy and the last time I was happy Dad was still alive. What is so bad about him that you can't like?"

"Julian is better suited for you."

"No, he isn't! Mother, do you know what he did to one of our classmates back in high school?"

She stays quiet. That silence fuels me to keep going, filling me with rage.

"He and his douche friends went and bullied a guy which drove him to kill himself. Mother, for fuck's sake, that boy was only seventeen! No person should feel that invalid and powerless! Can you imagine how scared he was? He was a scholarship student so he had no power against Julian. That boy fucking killed himself because he thought dying was better than putting up with those assholes. Do you know how hard it is to be so beaten up by life that you think the best way out is to die? No, you fucking don't." I'm panting and have tears blur my vision. Needing to get away, I push past my mother, who this entire time looked grim.

"Never even think Julian is better for me," I say to her before finally leaving.

As I walk towards the house, I see Enzo standing on the porch. Julian approaches him and I stop in my tracks.

"How are you liking the party so far, man?" Julian claps Enzo on the back.

"It's nice as far as I'm concerned." He says politely. The two share an awkward silence and glance past each other.

"I'm going to get straight to the point," Julian suddenly says.

"I'm listening."

"You're not worthy of her. From what I've seen, your background is quite interesting. So interesting that I decided to pay a visit to the orphanage. Renzo, if I were you I would know my place. Your place is back at the dirt-poor rat alleys you came from. Leave while I'm still being nice. I'll make sure to take good care of Mila in your place. You guys have already fucked, I'm sure. Mila does like to do charity, I've always admired that about her. You wouldn't be the first case she's gone after."

I stand a few meters away. Shocked and angry Julian had the audacity to make such comments. I'm just about to storm towards them until I hear Enzo chuckle.

"You must feel very threatened by me to come over and say that." His shoulders move up and down. Julian looks pissed and is about to say something before Enzo cuts him off.

"I admit I haven't been fully honest with Mila, but that is between us. If it concerned you, I suggest looking sincere before going to her boyfriend, which is me. Julian, I don't give a flying fuck about what you have to say. Your money is useless. If you wanted to know about me, you could've just asked. I would've gladly told you how poor I was and how fake your leather shoes look." Enzo glared at Julian.

"What could a poor shit like you know about genuine leather shoes?" Julian scoffed.

"Watch and see," Enzo smirked, looking at the drink of water in his hand. He bends down and pours a bit of it over Julian's shoe and Julian yelled.

"What the fuck!" He jumped back, almost falling backward.

"What?" Enzo feigns, getting back up. He smirks and looks at Julian. "Real leather absorbs water. And your shoes, my friend has a puddle, thus it is fake."

"This isn't over, Renzo!" Julian looks red and leaves. "Next time I'll make sure you'll regret this."

"I look forward to it." He laughs and turns to catch my gaze. His face immediately lights up when he sees me. I walk towards him.

"That was impressive," I grin.

"Had to do it for my girl, you know?" He looks down at me with a soft smile.

"Let's ditch this party," I said excitedly.

"Lead the way, birthday girl."

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