7.5: Fletcher- Sidekicks

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batman and robin

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batman and robin


I WOKE UP this morning with a heavy chest.

My shirt drenched in sweat with the possibilities of tomorrow seeping through the holes of this tattered piece of cloth that I was wearing. Every fiber of it, giving me a slight jolt, since it had dawned on me that it wasn't mine. No, it was his.

I was confused as to why I was wearing his shirt, so I blinked slowly and realize that I wasn't in my own bed.

I look around and see that it was Seth's roommate's—his— room. The almost scraped corners of his posters of Nirvana along with the out-of-place dresser that we bought together when we went on an IKEA binge during our second year made me chuckle that he still hadn't painted it over like he said he would.

The blooming feeling that went through my chest when I looked around his room puzzled me.

This euphoric kind of happiness that swam inside my head, which came out of nowhere. Just by looking at his room.

But you've been in here so many times.

And that's how it would stay. As friends.

Just looking, but never touching. Never telling the boy I've been in love with all my life would never look at me the same way I look at him.



It had occurred to me that I've never really bothered with anything. Not until I realized for myself how people can really mess with your emotions.

It also never came to me that I was attracted to males until I saw him in a completely different light. We were instant friends since Enzo, Seth and I moved here, the Batman to my Robin. Lingering a little bit longer in the room, I take a glance at a few more things and get off the bed.

Waking up pissed off and uncomfortable obviously made me unapproachable as I walked into the kitchen, ruffling my hair.

"Good morning," Seth was sitting on the couch, watching a tennis match. From what I could tell, it seemed that they were just about to go into deuce.

"Fuck," he groaned, standing up and pointing at the T.V. crazily. "You see that?"

I grunt in reply, not bothering to let him know that I wasn't going to stick around for long. When I looked over at him, pure shock radiated off of Seth's face with his mouth hanging wide open.

"No!" He shouted. "No, godammit! You should've backhanded that!"

Seth pulled his hair back and let out something that sounded like a sigh and a high-pitched scream.

"Dude," I call to him standing behind the counter, with a bowl of cereal in front of me. "Shut the fuck up."

He whipped his head in my direction and glared.

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