Chapter 2

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So far everyone has said they liked the first chapter! Yay! I was super excited to get good feedback on it. :) I've been thinking about this story and planning it out for awhile. But I want to make the chapters at least three pages so it might take a little longer to upload since I'll have to spend more time writing it!

Anyways. Here's Chapter 2! I hope you like it! :)

~Dani :)

"Where have you been all afternoon?!" This was the first thing that came out of my mother's mouth when I walked through the door. She had stopped in the middle of her yelling at my dad to yell at me.

I cringed, thinking back on the cheerful, friendly atmosphere of the Halls' home. Why couldn't I have had the life that Jamie had? "Sorry, I was working on a project for school," I said, pretending to be remorseful. But the only remorse that I felt was because I had to come back home.

"Next time you need to call!" my mom said. "Next time this happens you will be grounded young lady."

"Sorry," I said meekly. I slipped past them and went to my room. After doing my homework, I took a quick shower and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up to my alarm clock. When I heard the beeping, I was extremely confused. Where were the yelling, screaming, and the arguments? My house was strangely quiet. I crawled out of my bed and top-toed down the hallway to the living room. I peeked in, and no one was in there. I proceeded to the kitchen,  growing more and more curious as to where my family and their horrible tempers were. I peered around the corner, and was surprised to see the kitchen empty.

I retired back to my room to get ready for school, deciding to just enjoy the rare morning of peace and quiet. I straightened my long black hair, which was naturally wavy. Thankfully I had been blessed with a clear complexion that was naturally tan, so I didn't really feel the need to wear much make-up. I applied a thin line of eyeliner and a coat of mascara.

I rummaged through my closet, trying to decide what to wear. I decided on a beige sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans. I paired them with a my beige flats, and put on a a long, black beaded necklace. Glancing in the mirror above my dresser, I was satisfied with my appearance.

The black jeans I was wearing were a perfect fit, as was my top. The beige sweater hugged me in all the right places, but it wasn't tight enough to be considered trashy. After an hour of getting dressed in the silence, I was ready for school.

I rode the bus to school that day, since my car was at the repair shop. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to pay for it. I decided I would just have to ask my boss for some extra hours at the bookstore where I worked.

The day flew by again, taking notes in classes, studying in the library between classes, listening to the latest gossip around the school--my typical day.

The only thing that changed my normal routine was Jamie's invitation to come over. I accepted, and immeadiately texted my mom to let her know I would be late again, hoping to avoid another tongue-lashing.

Jamie and I spent the afternoon working on our homework together, and watching TV. After only two days of hanging out, I could tell we would be good friends. We got along great, and we had many of the same likes and dislikes.

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveWhere stories live. Discover now