Chapter 5

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Guys. I am so sorry that I am not able to upload more often. Between writing "It's not that easy", "Praying for Logan", and this story, each one is uploaded sporadically. I wish I could sit down and make a schedule and say "okay I'm going to upload on this story every ___ days" or something like that. But between writing, and real life, I can't do that! :/

I really hope that ya'll are enjoying this story so far. I'm loving writing it. It's so much fun. I have the whole story planned out in my head, and I'm really excited about how it's going to go. I'm just having to be careful to not make everything move along too fast in the story. I want to keep it pretty realistic, so I'm having to carefully think out what I'm writing, and all that good stuff! Lol.

I let my best friend read this, and she LOVED it. I was so glad! :) Lol. She's not even on Wattpad, and she's begging me to write more! So I figured I need to finish writing this chapter and post it!

Well. I'm pretty sure that if you're still reading this right now, that you're getting bored! So, I'll go now and let you go ahead and read Chapter 5. I hope you like it! Vote, comment, et cetera! Oh, and hey, if you read this whole Author's Note, let me know in your comment! Write "click, clack, moo" at the end with a smiley face! Crazy, I know. (I got that phrase from a book that I read to my siblings every night! And I thought that it would be funny to see in the comments of the story!) Anyways. I said I was finishing this up, so I really am now! Later!  :)

Katy's POV

I pulled out of Jordan's embrace quickly, my face flaming in embarassment. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I exclaimed. "I don't know what I was thinking! I just got caught up in my excitement over the house, and my brain shut down temporarily and...." I trailed off, realizing I was rambling.

Jordan laughed. "It's fine, Katy. No worries," he said. 

We walked back out of the house, and I was sure to keep my distance.

I can not belive I just did that! Oh my gosh. I have got to stop being to impulsive. I'm going to end up making a fool of myself! Holy crap. Control, Katy. Control.

"Hey, seriously, I said no worries," Jordan said, breaking into my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said. How did he know what I was thinking?

"I can tell you're worrying about it. You're walking like three feet away from me, you're clenching your fists, and you're biting your lip," Jordan said.

"Dang," I said. "How did you notice that?"

"Observation, my dear Watson," Jordan said, deepening his voice and taking on a British accent. "The mere body language of a person can tell you much about them." 

I laughed. If Jordan was this easygoing all the time, and was this much fun, I would have no problem living with him. Who knows? It might even end up being a lot of fun.

 "You're so weird," I said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Jordan replied.


I laid in bed awake for a long time that night. I had seriously lost my mind. I mean, I thought I had lost it several times throughout my life, but this time it was officially gone.

Dear Brain, please come back to me. I need you! I'm stupid without you! Love, Katy.

I silently laughed at my own stupidity. No really. I thought I had really lost it. What was I thinking? I was getting married?! Laying awake that night, I realized that there were so many little details that Jordan and I hadn't even discussed. 

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ