Chapter 11

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So thanks lots for praying for Logan. It is very much appreciated!! He's doing better right now! :)

Sorry the last chapter was so short. I was writing it, and got a mild form of writer's block. I couldn't come up with anything. That's why chapter 10 was more of a filler than anything. Also, if you're wondering why I didn't write about the honeymoon...well, the honeymoon really wasn't that big of a deal. Nothing interesting really happened in my mind, so I just decided to give an overview of it in the last chapter. Hope you liked it anyways.

Also, sorry for the delay in this chapter. I've been on vacation for a full week, and haven't really had time to write. I made this chapter a little longer to make up for it. :)

Anyways. Here's chapter 11! Enjoy! :D

Katy's POV

That night, when Jordan got back from running, we each went to our own rooms to go to bed. I decided to take a bubble bath before going to sleep so I filled the jacuzzi in our--my--bathroom and poured bubbles into it. I sank into the water, relaxing immediately. 

I stayed in the water until it began to cool, then got out. I grabbed a fluffy towel from the cabinet and dried off. I slipped into a pair of pink pajama pants and a black tank top. After brushing my teeth, I combed my hair and washed my face.

I crawled into my king-sized bed and felt a prick of guilt. Here I was, laying tucked into silk sheets on a Tempurpedic mattress, while Jordan was a guest room laying on a full-sozed bed with regular old cotton sheets. "He should be in here," I muttered to myself. I thought about going to tell him to trade rooms with me, but I knew he would resisit. I decided to wait till morning.

I turned on the TV that faced my bed. After channel surfing for a few minutes and not finding anything to watch, I turned it right back off. I snuggled down into my blankets, getting comfortable.

I laid in bed but couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for hours, worrying about having to return to school tomorrow. Most people knew I had gotten married the week before. In fact, quite a few of my friends from school went to my wedding. They had been nice and courteous, as was expected, but I couldn't help my concern that people would have different attitudes about a senior in high school already being married. There were sure to be many rumors about me and my husband.

My head was pounding. I had given myself a headache because I was stressing over things I couldn't control. I dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs. I was in the kitchen, digging through the medicine cabinet when someone coughed behind me. I spun around, startled.

"Jordan! Oh lord, you just scared me so bad!" I said, my heart beating rapidly.

"Sorry," he said. "I heard something down here and wanted to make sure it was nothing."

"Oh," I said. "Sorry. Just looking for some Tylenol PM or something."

"Can't sleep?" Jordan asked.

"No," I admitted.

"Why? What's up?" he asked. 

I found the bottle of pills I was looking for and popped two of them into my mouth. I swallowed them with a sip of water before turning back to Jordan. "I don't know," I said. "Guess I'm kinda worried about school tomorrow."

Jordan fixed his emerald eyes on me. "Don't worry, Katy. Just tell them what we've been telling everybody else."

"Can you remind me again?" I said in a small voice. 

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveWhere stories live. Discover now