Chapter 13

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Hey there, ya'll.

So yeah. I'm super sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile. Life's been crazy. I've had so much going on that I could barely think--much less write! Haha.

I'm sure by now that most of you have seen in Praying for Logan, and on my statuses, that my friend Logan went Home this past week. (August 30) It's been hard. But I know how much better he likes Heaven than here on earth. He's healed now, and is just chillin' up There, waiting for us to get there. :) So, yes, I do miss him and wish he was still here with us, but I know I'll see him again one day soon!

Anyways. On top of that, I've had school, and I've been sick... :/ So that's my excuse for taking so long to post another chapter! Well, enojy Chapter 13! Vote, comment, etc! (:


Katy's POV

I fell into a restless sleep that night. As I slept, Jordan's face appeared in my dreams. Sometimes he was just looking at me, sometimes he was holding my hand, but the most common scene in my dreams was him running away from me, and I couldn't catch up to him. 

 I woke up the next morning, still extremely tired. None of my hours in bed had been restful. I had dark circles under my eyes and I had no energy. Altogether, I felt pretty blah.

I took a quick shower, hoping it would wake me up and give me some vigor. I put on jeans and a black Under Armour sweatshirt and went downstairs to get breakfast before I left for school. I stopped dead in my tracks, surprised to see Jordan at the kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning," he said, his voice rough. From the looks of things he hadn't slept well either.

Our eyes connected and I blushed. "Morning," I said. I looked away quickly. What am I doing? Why am I down here? Oh! Food! Yes, food. Get breakfast and leave, Katy.

I could feel Jordan's eyes on me, burning a hole into my back. I took my time rustling through the cereal and poptarts, pretending that I could not find anything appealing for breakfast. I was wasting time, hoping that Jordan would finish his own meal and leave the kitchen. I wasn't sure what he thought about last night, and I had no clue how I felt about it eitehr. I wasn't ready to talk about it.

When it became clear that Jordan was not leaving me in peace anytime soon, I turned around, holding a Brown Sugar Cinnamon Poptart in my hand. I poured a glass of milk and sat down at the table, sitting as far from him as I could. "Katy, about last night," he started.

I didn't let him say anything else before I cut him off. "Don't worry about it," I said.

"But," Jordan protested. "I need--"

I stood up abruptly, bumping the table. The milk sloshed out of my cup as I picked it up swiftly. "I've gotta get to school," I said. "Bye." I grabbed my bags and fled out the door. I was breathing heavily when I plopped down in the driver's seat. I cranked up my car and backed out of the garage. I glanced up as I drove out of the driveway, seeing Jordan's face at the window. I felt bad when I noticed the torn expression on his face, but I ignored it.

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