Chapter 12

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Katy's POV

After work, I went to the grocery store. Jordan had informed me of most of his likes and dislikes when it came to food, so that helped me know what to buy as I walked through the store. My thoughtful husband had left some cash on the kitchen table for me that morning next to a Walmart bag. Hmm, you think he might have been hinting at the fact that I needed to go shopping? I say yes.

I walked up and down the aisle, throwing random items into the cart that I was pushing. When I checked out an hour later, I had basically bought enough to food to completely fill up our pantry. I purchased cookies, crackers, milk, juice, bread, meat, pasta, boxed meals, frozen meals, and more. I used all of the hundred dollars that Jordan had left. I figured that everything I bought, aside from the milk and dairy products, would last us at least a few weeks.

I loaded the groceries into the trunk of my car and drove home, exhausted. As I was driving, I realized that I hadn't spoken to any of my immediate family members in over a week. That wasn't surprising, though. I honestly wasn't the least bit offended that my own mother had made no motion to contact me. I was so used to her being distant and cold by that point, I would have been suspicious of any effort she made to be a real mother to me. 

When I got home, I began unloading the many bags out of my car. I noticed that Jordan's truck was back in the driveway, so I dropped my first load of food on the table and wandered down to his office. "Jordan?" I said, leaning against the doorframe.

He looked up from the blueprint he was leaning over and smiled. "Hey, what's up?" he said.

"Nothing," I said, returning the smile. "I was wondering if you had a minute to help me bring in the stuff I bought. It's a lot."

"Is it food?" he asked, a spark entering his eyes.

"Yup," I replied. I laughed as Jordan stood immediately and followed me back out to the garage. "I spent all that money you left. I hope that's okay...." I trailed off, gauging Jordan's reaction. His expression didn't change at all as he grabbed a load of groceries.

"That's fine," he said simply. 

I wrinkled my forehead. Whenever I had gone grocery shopping for my family, my mom had always had a conniption if I ever spent all of the money she sent with me. It never made sense to me though. She would send fifty dollars or so with me to the store, but I was never supposed to spend more than thirty of it. I mean, if she wanted me to only spend thirty dollars, why send fifty with me in the first place?

"Whatcha thinking about?" Jordan said.

"Oh nothing really," I said. "Just thinking about how my mom never wanted me to spend more than thirty dollars whenever I went shopping for her, and how you didn't even bat an eye that I spend more than a hundred dollars."

"Ah, I gotcha," Jordan said. "But seriously, it's whatever. I mean, we're married right? What's mine is your's. In fact, I need to see about getting your name on my account to use now."

"No you don't have to do that," I protested. "I'll use my money from work if I need anything."

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