Chapter 22

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Katy's POV

I ignored my phone every time it buzzed on the way to Josie's house. I didn't want to know how had been texting or calling, but I had a good guess about who it was. I made up my mind to not check my phone until I reached Josie's apartment, and once I checked it, I would turn it off for the night.

While I was driving, I flipped through the radio stations, listening to random songs. When it came to my taste in music, I was very versatile. I liked everything from country to rap to rock to oldies. The only thing I did not like was screamo. I found nothing appealing in the overly loud feedback, the over-done guitar and drums, or the unintelligable lyrics of the so-called singers. In my opinion, "screamo" didn't even deserve to be classified as a genre of music. If anything, I didn't think it deserved to exit whatever garage that it had first been played--or whatever term should be applied--in. It was a headache.

Josie parked her car in front of the nice apartment complex, and motioned for me to park next to her. I did, and got out, carrying my purse and keys. I locked my car before walked over to Josie. "I really, really appreciate this," I said. "Really."

She smiled. "No problem. Promise."

Josie led the way into her apartment building. We trekked up two flights of stairs and down a hallway before we reached her place. She unlocked the door and I immediately realized that her home was a mirror of her personality--bright and friendly. The walls were painted white, but the furniture was anything but boring. She had a black, red, yellow, and white plaid sofa against one wall. The coffee table, bookshelf, and TV stand were the same shade of yellow as the one in the pattern.

I looked through a doorway to the left to see her kitchen. The walls in that room were pale violet shade. The refrigerator, oven, microwave, and sick and countertops were faux chrome. She had embellished the upper part of the walls with paintings of green vines and deep purple grapes. The placemats on the wooden table were also decorated with the grapevines. There was a rug in the center of the floor that was the same dark shade of purple as the grapes that graced the room.

I looked to the right and could see through to the single bedroom. I saw a full-sized bed covered with a black, pink, and green polka dot bedspread. The walls were the same lime green as the polka dots, and the furniture, from what I could tell, was black. I couldn't be sure of what all furniture she had in her bedroom since the lights were still off, but it seemed nice.

"Now I'm sure," Josie said, "that my apartment is nothing compared to the house you and Jordan must have, but I hope it'll work for tonight."

"Oh no," I said. "Don't worry about it. I love the place. Really. It seems to reflect your personality--bright, cheerful, and friendly. I like it alot. I think if I could choose an interior decorater to re-do our house and Jordan didn't care what I did with it, I'd pick you."

She blushed and smiled as she turned on the lights. "Thanks. I really do love doing it. I considered going into interior design as a profession, but ended up not doing that." She walked into the kitchen, and I followed. "Have you had supper?"

As if on cue, my stomach growled loudly. We laughed in unison. "There's your answer," I replied.

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя