Chapter 9

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Yes, yes, yes! I know I left a cliffhanger last chapter! It was fun!! :P So I figured I needed to write the next chapter so everyone will know what happens!! :) Oh, and thanks for all the supportive comments. I'm excited that people are waiting for me to upload! Yay! :) And I would've uploaded already, but my best friend is leaving for college so we've been hanging out 24/7. I'll try to upload sooner from now on if I can!

I hope this chapter is long enough for today!! I would write more, but I'm not in the mood to write anything happy. I said bye to my best friend a few minutes go. :'( She won't be home till October!! :O No fun.

Hope you like this. Don't forget to comment and vote!

Katy's POV

Jordan and I were both leaning forward slowly, when--BAM--the limo driver slammed on brakes, causing Jordan's and my foreheads to collide.

"Owww!" I yelled, grabbing my head. Jordan muttered something about how dumb the driver was and how he wasn't getting paid in full for that. But I wasn't really paying much attention. I was worried I was going to have a nice sized knot on my forehead.

"You okay?" Jordan asked. He pulled my hand away from my face so he could look at me.

"Yeah, I'm good...I think," I replied. "What about you?"

"I'm fine," he said. "That dumb--"

He was cut off my the driver's voice. "So sorry, folks. Someone pulled out in front of me and I had to hit the brakes. I apoligize."

Jordan still looked irritated so I spoke up before he could respond to the driver. "It's fine, really. We understand completely."

"We do?" Jordan muttered, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course," I said. I smiled even though my head was throbbing painfully. "I'm okay. And you said you're okay. So no reason to cry over spilled milk." 

Jordan rolled his eyes at the old proverb I pulled from the back of my mind. "You, Katy, are one very strange individual," he informed me.

"I'll take that as a compliment and not an insult," I said. "Though I'm not quite sure what you meant it as."

"Eh, take it either way," he said. We smiled and settled back into our seats as we rode the remaining distance to the airport.


The flight to Barbados went well. We were on a nice jet with roomy seats, and our fellow passangers were all older couples. There were no children whining--the only downside to our company was the snoring that accompanied them. 

I slept all the way there. As soon as the obnoxious snoring began, Jordan and I both popped in our iPods to drown out the noise.

When he woke me up, it was around three am. "Come on, Katy. Wake up," he said, jostling my arm.

"Hmm?" I said sleepily. "What's going on?" My sleep-muddled mind couldn't seem to process who I was with and why I was in an airplane.

"We're here, sleepyhead. Let's go," Jordan said.

I felt like I was in a trance as I gathered together the few things I had on the plane with me and followed Jordan down the exit ramp. I felt bad for the taxi driver that Jordan hailed to take us to The Crane. If I were in his position, I would not be happy about driving random people around all night.

It was a surprisingly short ride from the airport to the resort. I had just closed my eyes and rested my head on Jordan's shoulder to doze back off when our driver announced that we had arrived. 

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz