SAMPLE [ 07 ] not really single

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STORY WRITTEN IN 2016 under revision


I want to fuck her so bad. Is that wrong? I'm sure it probably is but I don't give two fucks about what's right or wrong. Skylar has a certain innocent that turned me on. I want to see how far she can go, how naughty she can get, and how much she can take. By what just happened minutes ago, I know she wants me just as much as I want her. But she keeps stopping before we even start.

But then I have to keep telling myself that she's not like the other girls. She's not just going to give her body up to me for a good nights fuck.

I don't want to be her friend. And it's not like I'm saying it in a bad way. I just don't believe I can stay within the "friend" boundaries.

But I can't just let her leave. No. There was a lot of drunk dicks at this party and letting her go off just won't sit right with me. I want her near, I need her to be by my side.

"Tristen," Her soft voices comes out in a low whisper. The waves were padding against the shoreline while the trees rumble. I turn to her, admiring how she looked. Her top was slightly shifted and the side of her left breast appeared as if it would fall out at any given moment. And I wouldn't want to miss a scene like that.

Her eyes follow mine and she gasps, quickly covering her chest with her arms.

I can't help the chuckle that nips at my throat. She was just such a fresh breath of air. I felt so different around her. She made me nervous sometimes, yes, but when she got nervous, it boosted up my confidence. I like knowing that I am the reason she can't always think straight and I like when she lets me touch her. I like touching her.

"Um..I..." She mutters lowly, digging her feet into the ground and tightening her grip around her body.

I step up, feeling the need to remove her hands. I don't like when she covers herself. She's so damn beautiful and hot. She doesn't need to cover what I've already seen.

"Sky, quit doing that," I tell her affirmatively. "It's not like I haven't seen them already."

The redness that rises to her face makes me grin. She's embarrassed and I like it.

"Tristen, you can't say things like that. We're strictly friends." Her hazel eyes flicker around my face. To my eyes, lips, hair. Everywhere. She can't keep them focused with mine. She doesn't want to look me directly in my eye and I had a feeling I knew why. But that won't bring me down. Shit, nothing could get me to stop wanting her. I have plans, I have a goal, and no matter how long it will have to take, I will have her.

I will have her sprawled across my bed, dripped in sweat, and begging for me.

"Hmmm, right, just friends." I retort, knowing good and damn well that that wouldn't last any longer than a week or so.

She nods in agreement and then points back towards where the party was still being held. "Should we go back or.....?"

I shake my head. "No, we're going to go have actual fun." I seriously didn't want to go back there. One reason being that I don't want other guys trying to hit on Skylar and the other is that I knew that Tracy would somehow pop up and start shit. I didn't need her snooping around telling me who I could or couldn't hang around.

And yes, I might have done some stupid shit that night after Skylar left that dug me into this hole but that was none of Tracy's concern. I was none of Tracy's concern. I lean forward and take Skylar's petite hand into mine. That was another thing I enjoyed. How small she was compared to me. I grin smugly to myself. Yeah, she would be a hell of a good time in bed.

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