[ 25 ] understand

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"You can set that down on the desk," She said, calmly standing in the middle of her room with her hands placed on her hips, slightly shifting her weight on both of her legs impatiently. She's unlocked her dorm room about two minutes ago and here I was, glued to the door like an idiot on the Lotus flower.

I'm an idiot. I know, I get it, I understand now. I'm a stupid fucker that will loose what he truly wants because I can't seem to let go of a ghost from the past. But could you do that? Could you devote your entire life to caring for someone just to let them go? I understand that I'm not playing the field correctly, but fuck, I'm trying. I'm trying to let go. I'm trying to be a fucking man and go after a future, a future with Skylar. And I couldn't fault her for not wanting to hear me out, I couldn't get mad if she didn't accept my apology. And I certainly couldn't blow my shit if she declined me wanting to be with her.

But I know I can't handle it. I can't handle seeing her live without me. I can't handle watching her get with another dude. Aw fuck! If she finds someone I will fucking break his neck. I will make his life a living fucking hell. The only thing that'd be able to stop me is the bars behind a jail cell.

Call me crazy. Shit. I was crazy. Fucking crazy for her.

Whoa, did I really just say that?

What the fuck is this girl doing to me?

When I saw her at the pharmacy I was ready to drown myself in alcohol and cigarettes. But a quick fix and a few shots wouldn't stop the pulsing images of her face when I told her what I'd done with Tracy. Nothing could clear away her face when I'd told her how much of a dick I am. I wish I hadn't told her. And I know that's wrong but after going to The Den and releasing my anger towards myself, I knew the only way to stop the guilt from consuming me was to tell her. And God did it hurt to see her like that.

She couldn't even look at me. She didn't even want to hear what I had to say. But could I blame her? I deserved that. I deserve every shit she wants to give me. And I'll take it. I'll take it as my punishment because I truly am a deceitful son of a bitch who should have his nuts cut off or some shit.

Yeah, Wes was right. I sound like a pussy. But that's fucking fine. I would sound like a pussy for as long as she was around. I never fucking show emotion, I never fucking attended to a girl when she was on her cycle. Fuck, Tracy couldn't even get me to go to the store with her to buy tampons or pads. Nah, I wasn't with that shit. But here I am, holding a bag of necessities like pads, lotion and Midol. And in another bag, I brought an entire buffet.


For Skylar.

Because no matter the shit I try to tell myself, she's got me wrapped around her little finger and I don't even think she knows it.

Wow. I do sound like a pussy.

"Tristen," fucking snap out of it you pussy. This isn't a moment to try to reflect on your wrong doings. Right now you're trying to get the girl, your girl. I coached myself like the pussy I am and came back to reality.

She's standing there, Hazel eyes roaming around my face and pointing at the desk. Can I say that she looks fucking fantastic right now? I mean, I know I'm not supposed to be thinking about this right now, but damn. She's so fucking beautiful I might just shit on myself. The tight leggings that she's wearing defines her curves and makes her ass pop out even more so then before. Okay, I'll admit. When I followed her to be dorm, I stared. Nah fuck that. I inspected, analyzed and swooned over that ass. I just wanted her to come to me and let me raise her off the ground so I can just hold it and feel it all night.

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