SAMPLE [ 12 ] unfinished business

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STORY WRITTEN IN 2016 under revisionSTORY WRITTEN IN 2016 under revision


For some unknown reason, I kept chewing on my bottom lip which was coated with a thin layer of strawberry gloss, thanks to Maddie. While they really did their make-up, I settled just for a little concealer and lip-gloss. Make-up wasn't a part of my few attributes.

I sit in the passenger seat, my fingers tugging on the thin fabric that covered half of my body. Yes, half. I can't believe I, out of all people, was wearing a dress like this. But in a sense, I like it. I like knowing that I am trying something different, even if I am super uncomfortable and I feel completely naked.

Maddie squints her eyes at the GPS on her phone, ignoring the robotic women's voice that was helping us get to our destination. I think I did a pretty good job distracting myself, for a while.

I continued texting Ryan, loving how he replies quickly and the conversation never seemed to end. My phone chimes and It's another message, but not from him.

Tristen's name comes up and his text reads, any plans tonight? The text was simple and short.

I don't want it to seem as if I've been mopping and worrying about him for the past week. I don't want him to think I need him, even as I do. I want him to know that I can do me, with or without him. But it was hard when all I could think about was his hands touching my body.

My fingers shake as I type a bold text. Yes, I'm going out tonight.

He replies quickly. With who?

He doesn't need to know who you hang out with, Skylar. You don't know who he hangs out with.

My thoughts are having a conversation of its own. Maybe I should say a guy friend, but that's ridiculous and would start drama. I wasn't for drama.

Just be honest, you chicken.

My friends, I reply.

He sends another text. OK. I want to see you later tonight.

My eyes burn at the screen as thoughts buzzed around in my head. Why did he want to see me now? Where had he been all week? Was he hiding from me? What was this? I really wasn't even sure.

Why?, I sent. He needs to be questioned.

We have unfinished business, he replied.

My mind drifted off to the night, a few days ago. His hands claiming my body. His touch taking me to bliss while his smell was intoxicating. Just thinking about it made my chest rise.

Maddie pulls up to the house which was packed so she parked to the side, not too far from it. After she turns the engine off, she turns to us and sticks her hand out.

"Come on, girls. Hand it over." Maddie says. We decided that we would all leave our phones in the car so we could really enjoy our night without getting distracted. I glance back at the message Tristen sent and attempt to reply but Maddie quickly snatches it from me, locking the screen in the process. "Tonight we will have fun. Come on girls, it's a Friday night, we look flawless and hopefully we find hot guys to mingle with." She takes Lily's phone as well and tuck the phones neatly in her bag, tucking that under her seat.

Lily gets out first and I soon follow, quickly tugging my dress down once I step out. The wind blows against my tan short legs and I shiver.

Lily is chuckling as I shuffle with Maddie on the side.

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