Chapter 47: Through the Power of PSY Qualia

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Blaster Blade's POV

Pain. Though I dare not show it, that was the only thing I could feel at the moment. By the time I had opened my eyes, a dizzy spell hit me. With both feelings attacking, it took me awhile before I could open my eyes again.

When I had been fully conscious, I realized that I was back at the palace. Questions begin to fill my head but I decided to set it all aside for now.

I sat up, making sure that no further injuries would appear. Looking at the bandages around me as well as my current condition, everything that has happened these past few days came back to me.

"Blaster Blade! You're awake!" A loud voice disrupted me from further thoughts and a high beast quickly, though hesitantly, tackled me.

"Wingal! I'd be more careful if I were you. Remember, Blaster Blade isn't exactly in perfect condition right now." Said Future Knight, Llew as he entered the room. The high dog jumped off me when he noticed the boy's presence.

"I know that!" Wingal Brave cried. "B-but... I-i'm just so happy right now."

"That doesn't answer the fact that you might have caused more damage to our leader than he already has."

"You're no fun." The blue dog pouted.

Watching the two argue in a friendly manner in spite of the current situation, I couldn't help but let out a small smile.

"Hey! Blaster Blade smiled!" Llew, who seemed to have been observing me while he chatted with Wingal, exclaimed.

"Oh, you're right!" Wingal jumped with glee. "We actually made him smile!"

"Hm? After seeing you two talk so lightheartedly, how can I not?" I softly spoke while slightly stroking Wingal's fur, who laid comfortably on my lap.

"Oh! By the way Wingal... Marron was looking for you. Said something about wanting to get you back for leaving him on the way here." Llew suddenly recalled. Right on cue, another voice was heard outside. And whoever spoke sounded really angry.


"Uh oh! Gotta go! I hope you rest well, Blaster Blade." Said the high beast before running off.

"I believe it's time I take my leave as well. Knowing Marron, it won't take long before he finds Wingal Brave. And I'm pretty sure that it won't be a pretty sight." Future Knight Llew sighed. "By the way, Blaster Blade. You might want to report to the throne room after you recover. The King hasn't been himself lately. And I could say the same about our Vanguards."

"Of course."

Satisfied with my simple response, Future Knight, Llew bowed slightly before leaving to find Wingal.

Upon his leave, three of the clans healers came to check on me. Making sure that I had made progress on my recovery.

Leon's POV

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Misaki and her avatar exclaimed before both of them lost consciousness.

Though barely, the rest of us were able to defeat the psychological attacks that Yami had put us through. Unfortunately, the girls weren't so lucky.

The human force, Yami, disappeared once again after we overcame, what we can call as, his 'Fear attack'. We do not know what his intentions were, but I fear that it was not over. The wind told me so as well.

Misaki and Omniscience Regalia, Minerva stood up sometime after Yami's leaving.

"Thank goodness you're alright." Takuto sighed in relief.

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