Chapter 20: Overcoming Darkness part 2

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All of a sudden, I felt like someone was behind me. I turned to look but found now one. Turning back, I saw a shadowed figure in front of me, it looked like it wanted to get me so I tried to step back and run away but I couldn't. I can't feel myself, as if my body is being controlled. Fear took over my very soul and I became afraid of everything running in my mind: the fear of not fulfilling the task. The fear of not being able to stop the darkness from controlling me. Afraid that We won't be able to find and help Kai but most of all, afraid that I might hurt my friends or never see them again. As the figure touched me, I fell to a void of darkness. Two questions filling my head with despair. 'Is this the end?' 'Have I given up?'

Closing my eyes, I awaited for certain doom. But it never came.

I felt someone grab hold of me so opened my eyes to see who it was. I couldn't believe it, "KAI?!"

Aichi's POV

Am I dreaming or did Kai really come. "Kai?"

"Hang on Aichi!" He said as he tried to pull me out. Kai really came. I started to tear up.

By the time Kai brought me up, both the figure and the hole disappeared. After everything that has happened, I couldn't help but cry. The thought of almost being captured and controlled to hurt my friends as well as losing myself to the enemy was unbearable. I felt so alone and broken when the hole tried to get me.

 I know Kai was there but I can't help it. I needed someone to cry to right now. As if he read my mind, Kai did something that I never thought he'd do again. He hugged me making me cry even more.

Kai's POV

I have no idea what Aichi has gone through in my absence but it seems bad. It looked like that experience caused him to have a mental breakdown. I tried to comfort him through a hug cause I think he needed it right now. "It's alright Aichi... your not alone." I said in a soft tone, in hopes to calm him down.

Aichi's POV

Kai has been more than a friend to me. He has saved me from a world of despair by introducing Vanguard. He helps me every time I need it most. He's the reason I can move on from a bad past. He was my light All in all, he is like an older brother to me. The fear that once entered me has left the moment I thought of that.

After awhile, I finally stopped crying. I faced at Kai who looked like he was relieved.

"Thanks Kai, I needed that. I'm alright now." I said trying my best to give a smile. "You sure?" Kai asked. "Yup"

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared and a voice spoke. "Congratulations Aichi Sendou, you have passed the trial of darkness. Though the enemy tried to take away you purity and control you, you still pushed through till the end and with the help of a friend, you have overcome that darkness. You have fought a good war and you have won. Now it's time to go back for your other friends are waiting for you."

I looked at Kai and then back to the light. I didn't want to go back but that would mean Ren and the others won't be able to come to Cray. "Go Aichi", Kai said, " Don't worry about me. Besides, don't they need all of you to pass the trials and come back in order to obtain the 'Key of Light' and come here? I'll be waiting for you guys" "Wait... how did you...?" Before I could finish, the light took me back and everything went black.

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