Chapter 24: Power of the Vanguards

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Aichi's POV

The unit that came out of nowhere looked chaotic. At first glance, you would think it's a unit from the Link Joker clan, but it isn't. It looked more like a unit from one of the clans from the nation of the Dark Zone.

The unit pounced at us, ready to strike with it's claws. It was quick, but we were quicker. We dodged every attack that it gave but I don't think we can hang on much longer. My stamina's wavering and it doesn't look good for the others either. Still we kept running while dodging it's attacks.

Kai's POV

"If we don't think of a plan quick, that unit will kill us! We can't run away forever!" Ren shouted. 'He's right. If this keeps up, we'll eventually get tired. There is only one way to get out of this mess. Though it has a high chance of failing, I need to do it.' I thought to myself.

Aichi's POV

As we kept running, the unit kept attacking. We slowed down since we can't run fast much longer. It finally caught up to us and our situation looked hopeless. Is this the end? Is there nothing we can do to stop it and save ourselves? Suddenly Kai stopped. He brought out his card as he faced the vanguard unit. Wait, does that mean... "Kai, what are you doing?!?" I shouted.

Kai's POV

I turned back, facing the monster who caught up with us. I finally have my resolve and I'm willing to do it for my friends, no matter how risky it is. I can hear the cries Aichi and the others were giving but I have to do it. It's now or never.

"Ring the bell signaling the end of time, envoy from purgatory that will destroy the world! Feel uplifted by the flames my avatar and burn the enemy to ashes! Perdition Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Overlord the Great!"

I said as I held my card up. Both my card and I glowed as my avatar appeared.

Miwa's POV

I can't believe what were seeing. As Kai chanted those words, he began to glow Dragonic Overlord came out of the card. It was able to drive the unit away till we couldn't see it anymore.

After the battle, Dragonic Overlord disappeared leaving Kai exhausted and barely conscious. He was about to collapse but luckily Aichi caught him on time.

"All this time, he knew how to summon the units but he never bothered to say it?" Kamui softly said, probably still can't take it all in. In truth, neither can the rest of us. "He probably has a reason to keep it a secret right." I said with a little optimistic tone. "Well, Kai has A LOT of explaining to do later on. But in the meantime, why not we call it a day. Kai isn't the only one exhausted, don't you agree?" Ren said and we agreed to his proposal.

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