Chapter 30: Traumatized by the Past part 1

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Kai's POV

There are three things we must do in order to master and strengthen our abilities here on Cray. The first, learn how to summon and the units we have as well as to return them back to card form. Second, enhance our phisical and emotional states. And last but not the least, establish the relation and unity between us, our cards amd our team. We have already finished the first and I was the only one who haven't done the next. Before we could do the physical enhancement, They needed me to complete the emotional test.


What's going on? Where am I? I woke up not knowing where I was, until I had looked around. I'm in my room. I feel like I'm forgetting something but the cold breeze outside my window keeps me from thinking straight. I tried to get up and close it but my headache keeps me from doing so.

"Toshiki!" Who's calling me? "Wake up Toshiki, You'll be late for school!" Realizing what the person had just said, I quickly jumped out of my bed, ignoring the pain in my head and got out of my room to get ready. "Coming mom!"


"Honesly Kai, why did you do that? I was having a nice dream yet you came and ruined it for me." My best friend, Miwa, said as we walked to school. "Oh c'mon Miwa, it was funny!" I laughed.  "Besides, if I didn't do as your mom told, she would scold me and we wouldn't be able to attend school at all."

"You call throwing a bucket of cold water funny? I could've catched a cold there." He pouted. "At least you woke up aaaaaand got a bath ahead of time. You even gave your parents a good mood... even though we had to dry your bed after." I said to him. "I still don't understand why my parents were on your side that time." Miwa murmured before we let silence take over the rest of our walk.

School went by like all the rest. It is a usual routine that we couldn't seem to avoid. However, today will be different. I got up all night working on my own deck and I'm going to make sure I defeat him!

It was five minutes before our last period and I'm almost finished with the activity assigned while Miwa seemed to be asleep. "He probably slept late again." I said to myself.

After the last bell rang I got up my seat. "Yes, school's over! Ibuki, lets fight! I finally found a way to beat you!" I said to the boy across the classroom. "Ok, I'll just go grab my bag." Ibuki replied.

"Soooooooo... what clan did you choose?" Miwa asked. "I thought about it yesterday, scanning a lot of clans and their abilities until I found a winning image in one of them!" I enthusiastically said. "And that clan is?" Ibuki questioned. I grinned as I showed my new deck, " I chose the Royal Paladins! It's a new clan that focuses on using magic and old tech together. It also focuses on field abilities." "Wow, That's great Kai! But let's see if you really found your winning image." Ibuki said. We went on one of the tables and readied ourselves for an epic battle.

"Stand up! (the) Vanguard!" We said in unison as our starters landed on the planet Cray.

》》Time skip《《

"My vanguard attacks!" I shouted.

"Huh?!? Ummmm... I'll guard that with everything I have!" Ibuki nervously said.

"It takes more than that to stop this assault. Checking the twin drive! First, heal trigger! Giving the power to my vanguard and I recover one damage."

"But you need two to get through my defense!"

"I won't give up just yet. Second check, critical trigger! Giving all effects to my vanguard! Continue to grow and change the world you know! Let's finish this Blaster Blade Burst! Flash Burst Blade!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ibuki said as the sixth damage was revealed. "You beat me... that was some skill you got there!" He said. I was speechless for a second... did I really beat him? When I had snapped out of my thoughts, excitement burst out as I jumped for joy. "Yes! I finally did it! I beat Ibuki!" "Hehe... you did great Kai. It was amazing how you pulled that off." He sheepishly said.

"Now now Kai... let's not let this fight get to our heads." Miwa said as he patted my back. "Hehehehe you're right Miwa..." I said.


"For once!"


"Woops, look at the time! Gotta go now guys. My parents are leaving today and I promised them that I'd see them off. See ya!" Then I ran. "Kai, get back here! You didn't even give me a chance to get back at what you said!" Miwa shouted. He sounds annoyed. "We'll do that tomorrow... maybe." I shouted back.


"Phew! I'm beat." I said to myself as I reached the park. "I almost there... just a few more blocks away, I can do it!" Then I ran a little more. Getting out of the park, I noticed my shoes were untied so I stop to tie them. As I did that, I was passed by a small blue haired boy who looked all beat up.

"Men, you're a mess! Did you loose a fight or something?" I ran up to him but he ignored me, continuing to walk away. He seemed troubled, I don't think a fight was the reason for those bruises. Maybe...

"Hey kid! Hang on." I blocked his path so he wouldn't ignore me again. I felt bad for the kid so I did what I thought was right. "Here, check it out! I want you to have this." I said as I handed him one of my strongest card. He was reluctant at first but he took it anyway. "You got a really tough worrior in your hands there. So c'mon! Cheer up already." I was starting to get passionate. "Try to imagine yourself becoming powerful like the warrior on that card I just gave you"

"Bu- but I can't!" 

"Hahahaha well no... not at first I guess. But if you believe in yourself, nothing can stand in the way of you getting big and strong like Blaster Blade!"

"I'll get strong?"

"From now on, that image can be your power!"

After awhile, I finally left him alone and we both went our separate ways.


"Mom! Dad! I'm home." I said as I got to our apartment. "Toshiki, welcome home." Mom said. "Your just on time Toshiki! We're just packing up the last bag then we can eat." Dad followed. I felt sad knowing they would leave me, but what can I do? Looks like nothing gets pass mom, "Cheer up Toshiki! Will only be gone in a few months. We'll be back before you know it and you won't even remember we've left!" She said. Her way way of cheering me up is extraordinary. Probably every mom's talent. "Your right mom!"

"Ok Toshiki, as I have said, we'll be back before you know it. But until then, be a good boy and don't go into trouble." Mom said, hugging me and in the verge of tears. "Now behave yourself. We don't want to hear any mischief from you now you hear me?" Dad said. "Of course dad! Mom, don't worry, I'll be alright." Then I had a vision where I was told that my parents died. "Just promise to come home safely pls." I said to them. Pls be just my imagination.  "Sure, we promise." They said. After some more sad goodbyes, they went away and I was left alone. Little did I know that the vision will come true soon, their parting words would be the last I hear from them and they wouldn't be able to keep their promise.

Two months had past since their departure. I had waited patiently for them everyday, waiting for the time I'd see my parents return. One day, as I got home from school, I saw my uncle. I didn't know what to think of his visit since he only visits when he has news to tell. I hope his visit is a good one. "Toshiki," my thoughts were interrupted by uncle. "I don't know how to say this to you..." wait, why is he bowing his head? Pls don't tell me... "your parents met an accident."


Hi minna! Sorry for the delay but I finally finished the chapter and yes, I intended to make it a cliffhanger. Oh yeah, before I forget, this chapter is Kai's test (as you might have already guessed it) He is in a dream wherein he turned into a kid again with no memories of what is actually happening.

That's all for this chapter so until next update...

ja ne!

Read, comment, vote and enjoy minna~♡

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