Chapter 15: Unavoidable Trial

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When we were complete, Leon told the plan. The four of us put the plan to action and used our PSY Qualia, hoping it will work. The portal suddenly activated and Takuto's voice was heard. It looked like he anticipated this and made a message for us telling that we will all gain power in going to Cray, but we must only chose one card each to bring with us, for we will need it. After choosing, the portal shown brighter and everything went black.

Aichi's POV
'In order to find the "Key of Light" all of you must first be complete the tests to be given to you. Concentrate on the matter at hand for your friendship shall be put to the test on your journey. Be pure of heart and intention with no malice. Show awareness of these and only then will the key show itself.'

"Wake up, wake up Brother." I awoke in a familiar place, Kamui and Misaki still trying to wake me up, Ren, Leon and Chris still asleep and the others looking around the place with curiosity. I tried to sit up but was only stopped by a splitting headache. "Are you okay Aichi?" Misaki asked like a mother worried for her child. "I'm fine" I replied, "just a little headache is all." "You sure bro?" Kamui said and I nodded. "Alright, we'll try to wake the others then, ok bro." They left to wake Ren and the others up while I was left trying to stand up. After everyone was awake and ready to go, we went to search for the key.

We've been walking for a few hours now and it feels like were going nowhere. However, I wasn't thinking on whether we were going the right way or not, I was more focused on that dream I had when we were teleported here. The voice I heard, was it just a dream... or a warning of something we cannot escape. I hope it's not what I think it is.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Where is that 'Key of Light' or whatever?!? It feels like were walking in circles now. Do we even know where we're going?" Naoki burst out all of a sudden. "Calm down Naoki. Complaining won't let the key appear now would it?" Leon said making Naoki think on what he exclaimed earlier. "He's right Naoki, besides... what is that?" I said as I pointed to the three different doors that appeared out of nowhere.

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