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Kady's POV

"Great. Just great," Brandyn says, pacing back and forth. We were currently at the Werewolves' territory, blaming each other for Tori's kidnapping by the Vampires.

"Brandyn, you should've gone after her!" Olivia shouts, her black hair with fading red highlights falling in her face, covering her bright violet coloured eyes.

"I'm sorry, but why didn't you?!" Brandyn screams back.

Olivia scoffs, "I was in the library with Kady! Remember?"

"Guys just stop!" Lea shouts at them, only to receive a "shut up!!" from both of them.

I rubbed my temples, completely annoyed at them. "Please shut up. Both of you. Tori's gone and none of us did anything to stop that. So deal with it," I snapped, causing Olivia and Brandyn to freeze.

"Jeez Kady. Didn't have to be so rude," Brandyn mutters. I roll my eyes at him, scoffing.

"Fine. At least I am gonna look for Tori. Anyone else who wants to join can follow," I say, then turn and walk away. I hear footsteps behind me and see Brandyn and Kaitlyn catching up to me.

"Hey! Wouldn't leave your pack behind now would you?" Kaitlyn says, smirking. The three of us are in a pack called the Midnight Sun Pack. Brandyn's the Alpha, while Kaitlyn is his second-in-command. I'm the leftover.

I can't help but smile back. "You're right Kitty I wouldn't. Now let's go find Tori."

We then phase into our Werewolf forms. Basically, you imagine yourself transforming into the animal and what you would look like. That's how you phase. It's the same for Shapeshifters but they call it "transforming". My senses escalated, along with my speed and agility. Brandyn, Kaitlyn, and I sprinted away from the Werewolves' territory and into the woods.

Up ahead, Brandyn changes course and I know that he's caught Tori's scent. Suddenly, I sensed something strange, yet familiar, and slowed down. "Guys stop. I think the Vampires are near," I tell Brandyn and Kaitlyn telepathically (Werewolves can do that), and they turn around and trot back.

"I can sense them too," Kaitlyn says, then phases back into her human form. I do also, followed by Brandyn. We take a look at our surroundings to find that we are in a large field with grass that's a dull yellow colour surrounded in a forest and leaves scattered all around, blowing through the air with the wind. I look straight ahead and see faint silhouettes in the trees, walking towards us. As they got closer, it became clear that it was three figures that we know all too well. The Vampires; Izzy, Sarah, and Emily.

They approached us with their Vampire speed, stopping just a few feet away. "Well, well. If it isn't the Midnight Sun Pack. I bet you're looking for Tori?" Izzy drawled, smirking.

Brandyn growled from beside me. "Stop smiling like you've beat us. There's still six of us and only three of you. You're at a disadvantage."

Izzy laughs, giving us a crooked, cruel smile. "Are you now? Have you forgotten who Tori is?" Her gaze shifts to me.

Brandyn and Kaitlyn glance in my direction also. "What is she talking about, Kady?" Brandyn asks, not in a friendly tone.

I had overheard the Vampires talking once, and they were saying that Tori was more important than the rest because of what she is. That's why the Vampires took her. But I never told the other Werewolves because I thought it didn't matter. Now I realise, it does.

I clear my throat and say, "Tori is kinda.....well, not really but....she's the Head Wolf."

I couldn't describe what emotion was on Brandyn's face. Anger? Betrayal? Hurt? All three? It was hard to tell. "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME, YOUR OWN ALPHA!!" He didn't give me a chance to explain before he phased and sprinted off into the woods.

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