Meeting K.C

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Lea's POV

"What happened? Did you find Tori?" I ask Kaitlyn, who had just arrived back at the cave. She shakes her head.

"No. We ran into the Vampires, turns out that Kady had kept a secret from us. A very important one, in fact," she says, causing all of us to surround her curiously.

"What is it?" I ask when nobody else did.

Kaitlyn takes a deep breath. "That Tori was━is━Head Wolf."

The others and I gasped. "So that's why the Vampires took her! So we are left vulnerable!" Olivia shouts, enraged. "Why would Kady keep something like that from us?"

"I don't know. But Brandyn was really upset. He phased and ran off and when I followed him, he told me to leave him alone," Kaitlyn replied. "And he's still not back yet."

"Let's look for him then," Mckayla says, laying a hand on Kaitlyn's shoulder. She nods and turns to head out into the opening, but stops. I noticed that she was staring at something, so I glanced in that same direction and saw a person. Kady.

I smiled and ran up to her, the other Werewolves following. "Kady! Where have you been! I looked everywhere for you!" Kaitlyn exclaims. "And where's Brandyn?"

Kady doesn't say anything, just stands there and stares at us, a cold expression on her face. A foul, yet familiar, scent was coming from her direction. "Kady...have you been with the Vampires?" I ask cautiously.

She laughs slightly. "Yeah. Kaitlyn was there too, so I bet she smells kinda like one also."

I shake my head. "It's not as strong. It smells as though you were in contact with one of them."

Kady smiles then, a smile wide enough to expose her teeth. I fell back a step once I saw what she was hiding. Fangs. "Why are you one of them?! WHY ARE YOU A VAMPIRE?!!" I shout, but Kady makes no motive to answer.

"And where's Brandyn? Did you kill him?" Kaitlyn demands, her voice breaking on the word "kill".

Kady shakes her head. "I didn't kill him. But Izzy did. And I helped her." A cruel smile was on her face.

Tears filled Kaitlyn's eyes, and I was horrified. "But...he was your Alpha. Why would you help kill him?" My voice was faint.

"Brandyn was angry, Kaitlyn felt bad for me, and I couldn't go back to the cave, so I went back to the Vampires and had them turn me into one of them. It was the right choice," Kady says. "Oh, and I know where they're keeping Tori. I saw her."

"Is she alive?" Mckayla demanded, an angry look on her face.

Kady's gaze shifted over to Mckayla. "Yes, she is still alive. Not that you'll ever find her anytime soon."

Kaitlyn growled at her, then phased into her Werewolf form and attacked. Kady was expecting it, though, so she wrapped her arms around Kaitlyn and gave her a light squeeze. It didn't look like much, but with Kady's Vampire strength, it hurt a lot to us Werewolves.

Kaitlyn whimpered and Kady let her go. Kaitlyn phased back and rejoined us, rubbing her sides. Kady was staring at us with a triumphant grin on her face. It infuriated me. "Go away, Kady. You're no longer one of us. Now leave," I hiss in an unpleasant tone. Kady gives me one last cold glare before running towards the woods with her Vampire speed.

She stopped just at the treeline and looked back, a confused look on her face. It was the forcefield that the Witches had placed around our territory that was confusing her. All territories have it except for the Witches' Lair. It only allowed members of the same kind to locate and enter it. So since Kady is now a Vampire, she can no longer find our territory. She turns back around and sprints off, leaving the other Werewolves and I to mourn alone.

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